The 315th Recorded Meeting in the 352nd year of The Society of Archers
was held at Harrogate Rugby Club
on Saturday 18th May 2024

The Clerks Report
The 18th day of May 2024 saw gentlemen gather at Harrogate Rugby Club for the 315th Recorded meeting of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow Tournament. 72 gentlemen shot with 62 carrying the longbow. The weather was sunny with a slight breeze.
Lieutenant John Pawson sounded the bugle to bring the gentleman to order. The Captain, Richard Allan welcomed everyone to the shoot. The Clerk advised the Arrow had been returned and was available to be shot for, reminding the gentleman of their responsibilities.
Shooting got underway at 10.30am prompt with the Captain and Lieutenant taking aim. It didn’t take long for both the Captain Elect to be achieved by Ian Harris of St.Georges Archery Club of Harrogate and the Lieutenant Elect, Craig Benson of Kendal Bowmen. Congratulations followed to both with shooting continuing to the 12.30 scheduled break for luncheon.
The usual luncheon was taken in the Rugby Club. The quick but effective annual meeting passed without undue concern, with only a handful of discussions taking place, but resulting in no alteration to established format. It ended with the Captain, Richard Allan presenting the Captain elect and Lieutenant elect with their relevant brooches.
The gentlemen returned to the field for a further 2 hours shooting with the Judges overseeing the usual good humoured banter between archers.
The Captain’s Lady, Sharon, presented the trophies to the deserving winners, together with the usual glasses to the Lady Scorers. Finally the usual bottles to the two judges.
The meeting was rounded off by the retiring Captain passing his thanks to all those involved in the organisation of the day. The proceeds of the swear bag and other donations went to the Captain’s chosen charity, the Alzheimer’s Society. A total donation of £155.20 was made from the swear bag.
Judges: Mr Sean Gleeson & Mr Dennis Heritage
The Scorton group of Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | Ian Harris |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | Craig Benson |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | Peter Croft |
The Scorton Longbow Group of Trophies | ||
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, Longbow | … | Hamish Freeman |
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, Longbow | … | Martin Jordan |
The North Ribblesdale Spoon for Best Longbow Arrow at the 1st end after lunch | … | Clive Woolley |
The Tri-Centenial Trophy for most Golds,Longbow | … | Martin Middleton |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen – born within the County | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | Ian Hiscocks |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | Kev Ward |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | Ian Harris |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | Ian Hiscocks |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | Kev Ward |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | Ian Harris |
The Sweepstakes | ||
Best Gold | … | Ian Harris |
Second Best | … | Ian Harris |
Third Best | … | Martin Leonard |
Most Golds | … | Ian Hiscocks |
Joint Second Most | … | Hamish Freeman & Peter Brook |
Proceeds of the Swear Bag | … | £155.20 |
We also had the pleasure of the company of Neil Dimmock (L)
Minutes of the 315th Meeting – 18th May 2024
The Captain Richard Allan, asked those present to be up standing for the Loyal Toast. Gentlemen archers, who had shot the bow with the Captain in the morning, were asked to remain standing whilst guests retired from the room.
The Captain then proposed the toasts to The Society and The Arrow, The Captain and Lieutenant Elect and absent friends.
The Lieutenant, John Pawson, read the minutes of the 314th meeting. These were accepted as a true record, with the Captain duly signing the Record Book.
Apologies for absence were received beforehand from Malcolm & Marc Grady, David Curry, Chris Tanse, Brian Trotter, Christopher Weiss, Tony Barrett, Adrian Hayes, Thomas Keane, Dale Message, Ged Hebdige, Bob Chatterton, Julian Crump, Andrew Rowe & Ron Batey.
The following matters were discussed:
- No response was received from the Palace following the Loyal Message and White Rose sent shortly before the 2023 meeting.
- His Majesty, The King had been sent the usual Loyal Message and Single White Rose shortly before the 2024 shoot. To date no reply has yet been received.
- Website – Thanks to Alan Hoddinott who has spent many an hour in copying things across to the new website. Work is still ongoing.
- The accounts for The Society presented. The current funds stand at £5,590.76, a slight increase on the previous year.
- The Clerk reported that the insurance again cost £167.44 the same as last year.
- One item had been received prior to the meeting for discussion from Clive Roebuck asking about the website. It was agreed to close this matter given the recent release of the new website
- The Clerk reported that he had received communication from Adrian Hayes about his continued generous offer of a bow to raffle for the Society. Adrian said that this year, 2024 would be the last year. Those present wished it to be noted of their sincere thanks to Adrian for his generous offer that has generated in the region of £300-£400 per year for the last 10 years.
- The Clerk said that via Richard the Captain there had been an enquiry from BBC Radio 5 Live. They were interested in doing a 15 minute interview/chat on the following Tuesday evening at approximately 11apm. The programme is presented by Gordon Smart. The Clerk advised he would be taking this forward.
- A further enquiry was received from a professional photographer, but following contact he advised he had been called elsewhere.
- The Captain, Richard Allan asked for approval to present the contents of the “Swear Bag” to his chosen charity Alzheimer’s Society. This was unanimously approved by the Gentlemen present.
- The Captain elect and Lieutenant elect, were then presented with their Captain and Lieutenant brooches, by the Captain.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 14.20