The 307th Recorded Meeting in the 343th year of The Society of Archers
Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham, South Yorkshire
on Saturday 16 May 2015
The Clerks Report
The 16th day of May 2015 saw gentlemen gather at the splendid Wentworth Woodhouse, Rotherham for the 307th Recorded meeting of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow Tournament. 117 gentlemen shot with 83 carrying the longbow. The day was warm and sunny with a moderate wind.
Lieutenant Tom Fewz sounded the bugle to bring the gentleman to order. The Captain, John Wilkinson gave the usual Captain’s address, together with introducing the Judges.
Shooting got underway at 10.30am prompt with the Captain and Lieutenant taking aim. With neither gold nor red hit this lead to the rest of the archers shooting. It was quickly established at the first end that the Lieutenancy had been won by Lee Bartrop and shortly after, 2014 Lieutenant, Tom Fewz, went one better in hitting the black spot to become the Captain Elect. Tom was met with warm congratulations.
Following the regulatory two hours of shooting the judges called a halt to the morning session, with lunch taken Grand Hall within Wentworth Woodhouse. The usual free flowing drink accompannied the meal, followed by the usual annual meeting.
The Captain/Clerk, kept the meeting to an minimum with a proposal accepted in principle for The Society to purchase the Captain’s and Lieutenant’s brooches together with the chain ring for the Lieutenants bugle. Final voting will take place at the 2016 meeting.
The Judges marshalled the afternoon session well with the usual good humoured banter between archers with shooting called to a close after the alloted 2 hours.
After tea the Trophies were presented to the deserving winners. The Captain’s presentations were made to the Lady Scorers, and the usual bottles to the two judges, all done graciously by the Captain’s lady.
The meeting was rounded off by the retiring Captain passing his thanks to all those involved in the organisation of the day.
The proceeds of the swear bag and other donations went to the Captain’s chosen charity.
Judges: Mr Sean Gleeson & Mr Dennis Heritage
The Scorton group of Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | Tom Fewz |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | Lee Bartrop |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | Alan Marriott |
The Scorton Longbow Group of Trophies | ||
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, Longbow | … | Martin Jordan |
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, Longbow | … | Adrian Hayes |
The North Ribblesdale Spoon for Best Longbow Arrow at the 1st end after lunch | … | Paul Ansted |
The Tri-Centenial Trophy for most Golds,Longbow | … | Andrew Rowe |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen – born within the County | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | Mark Hayes |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | Tom Fewz |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | Ged Hebdige |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | Mark Hayes |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | Tom Fewz |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | Martin McCabe |
The Sweepstakes | ||
Best Gold | … | Martin McCabe |
Second Best | … | Tom Fewz |
Third Best | … | Tom Fewz |
Most Golds | … | Mark Hayes |
Second Most | … | Tom Fewz |
Third Most | … | Malcolm Dukes, Mick Winsell, Andrew Rowe & Adrian Hayes |
We also had the pleasure of the company of:
W G Aldred (L), Mike Craig (L), Neil Dimmock (L), Ernest Green (L),
Colin Greenway (L), Ron Nuttall (L).
* John Wilkinson (Captain 2014)., Andrew Neal (The Clerk and 2013 Captain).,
and David Phillips (the Deputy Clerk) retired early to assist.
The following Gentlemen entered but did not shoot:
Andrew Bickerdike., Andrew Dane., Jim Dunn., Peter Pattinson., Keth Richards.
Minutes of the 307th Meeting – 16 May 2015
The Captain John Ash Wilkinson, asked those present to be up standing for the Loyal Toast. Gentlemen archers, who had shot the bow with the Captain in the morning, were asked to remain standing whilst guests retired from the room.
The Captain then proposed the toasts to The Society and The Arrow, The Captain and Lieutenant Elect and absent friends.
The Lieutenant, Tom Fewz, read the minutes of the 306th meeting. These were accepted as a true record, with the Captain duly signing the Record Book.
Apologies for absence were received beforehand from Drew Stapleton, Keith Richards, John Stewart, Mike Murphy, John Dunn and John Seddon.
The following matters were discussed:
• The Clerk reported the Loyal Message and White Rose had been sent to Her Majesty, The Queen, and two separate replies had been received, one in relation to the letter sent and one in response to the White Rose.
• Barry Norbury, past Captain 1982 and 1984, has requested permission to purchase a replacement Captain’s badge. This was agreed.
• Two proposals relating to Article 12 had been received, by the 1st March 2015. Both proposed that the cost of the Captain’s and Lieutenant’s Badges should be borne by the Society and the second proposal additionally included the cost of the engraved link also being borne by the Society. At present Article 12 requires the Captain and Lieutenant to purchase the badges themselves. It was pointed out that this has been applied inconsistently over the last few years.
• A vote was taken, first on the second proposal, which covered the provision of the two badges and the engraved link. This received almost unanimous support with only one vote against. On the conclusion of this vote it was agreed the first proposal need not be considered. The second proposal will be taken forward as a formal proposal to the 2016 Meeting.
• A new Record Book has been commissioned and purchased, at a cost of £460. This will provide the Society with capacity for approximately a further 20 years, after the existing volume is filled in the next year or two. The new book was available to view throughout the day.
• The accounts for The Society were presented for discussion and agreement. It was explained that there were no donations recorded in the accounts for 2014, as the donations made by the sweepstakes winners had been made to the Captain’s charity, the Selby Young Carers, and not the Society.
• A formal vote of thanks was proposed to Adrian Hayes for once again donating a Longbow to be raffled for the Society funds. It was pointed out that Adrian had also agreed to donate a longbow for a similar raffle for the next 8 years. This was supported by everyone present.
• The outgoing Captain, John Wilkinson presented the Captain and Lieutenant elect, with their Captain and Lieutenant badges.
There being no further business the meeting was closed at 14.30.