Tournament Results 2010

The 302nd Recorded Meeting in the 338th year of The Society of Archers
held at Bedale, North Yorkshire on Saturday 22nd May 2010


The Clerks Report

The 22nd day of May 2010 dawned bright, sunny and warm. Gentlemen archers assembled at Bedale High School for the shooting of the 302nd Recorded Meeting of The Antient Scorton Silver Arrow.

Twelve pairs of targets lined the field to accommodate the 11 gentlemen of which 68 carried the longbow.

Shooting got underway at 10.30am prompt with the reigning Captain, Mark Farrow and Lieutenant, Peter Aikman, taking aim with their longbows. This was followed by the rest of the Gentlemen. The only arrow piecing the red ring at the first end was that belonging to the Captain of 2007, Drew Stapleton. Congratulations were passed before the search for the first “black spot” started. Not many ends passed before Paul Tucker from West Yorkshire achieved the mark and was duly awarded the Captain Elect title.

The remainder of the 2 hours passed in hot and sunny conditions with the usual good humoured banter between gentlemen archers.

A fine buffet luncheon was taken with the usual free flowing wine.

Due to the numbers and the after lunch meeting the Captain reduced the afternoon session of shooting to a hour and a half.

The presentation of the trophies was carried out by the Captain’s Lady, with the retiring Captain giving his thanks to all those involved in the organisation of the day.

Sole Judges: Mr Sean Gleeson

(Mr Dennis Heritage was unale to attend)

The Scorton group of Trophies
Captain of the ArrowPaul Tucker
Lieutenant of the ArrowDrew Stapleton
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteWilliam (Bill) Lee
The Scorton Longbow Group of Trophies
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowAdrian Hayes
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowGeorge Brown
The North Ribblesdale Spoon
for Best Longbow Arrow at the 1st end after lunch
Mark Farrow
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen – born within the County
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreMark Hayes
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsGraham Smith
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldDanny Walsh
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersMark Hayes
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreGraham Smith
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingDanny Walsh
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldDanny Walsh
Second BestPaul Tucker
Third BestMark Hayes
Most GoldsMark Hayes
Second MostBob Ripley & Graham Smith
Third Most(2nd was join award)


111 Gentlemen entered the Competition of which 111 participated.

We also had the pleasure of the company of:
Joe Noblet (L)., Sam Elvidge (R)., Craig Benson (L)., Nigel Bratton (L).,
Matt Garratt (R)., John Owens (L)., Adam Abbott (L)., Chris Broad (L).,
Noel Lawrence (L)., J Dawson (L)., Anthony Hall (L)
and Ian Fairnie with a broken shoulder in a sling but shot one arrow
so he could take part!

Minutes of the 302nd Meeting – 22 May 2010

Minutes of the 302nd Recorded Meeting held at Bedale on 22nd May 2010

The Captain, Mark Farrow, asked those present to be up standing for the Loyal Toast. Gentlemen archers were asked to remain standing whilst guests retired from the room.

The Captain then proposed the toasts to The Society and The Arrow, The Captain and Lieutenant Elect.

Due to time constraints regarding the transportation of equipment off site at the end of the day the Captain proposed the meeting finished no later than 15.15. This was agreed.

The Lieutenant, Peter Aikman, read the minutes of the 301st meeting. These were accepted as a true record, with the Captain duly signing the Record Book.

Apologies for absence were received from Marc Grady, John Morton, John Shiels, Fintan Kelly, Duncan Fairweather, John Geldard, Scott Walker and Colin Gibson.

The following matters were discussed:

• It was agreed any suggestions for the Commemorative die trophy should be sent to the Clerk by the end of June 2010. The Clerk would canvass the Council of Captains for the 3 most popular designs before putting these to the 2011 meeting for agreement of the final design.

• Gordon Aldred presented the replica of the Horn Spoon as had been presented to the Ribblesdale Archers some years ago. Gordon proposed the spoon be awarded to the best longbow arrow at the first end after lunch and it be first presented today. The proposal was duly agreed.

• The Clerk reported the Loyal Message and White Rose had been sent to Her Majesty, The Queen, and for the first time in a number of years a reply had been received.

• The accounts for The Society were presented to the meeting for agreement. A slight increase in balance to £5309 was noted.

• The revised Draft Articles were considered with views both in favour and against being expressed. Members had concerns over the passing of authority to The Council of Captains and Clerk, from the Gentlemen of The Society. The Clerk gave the assurance that the Draft Articles did not change the decision process or give greater powers to either the Council of Captains or Clerk/Deputy Clerk. The Draft Articles exercise was undertaken to bring up to date, a number of existing documents, and formally record previously discussed and agreed items, into one document.

• The Clerk asked for a vote on the acceptance of the Draft Articles “in principle” with a final vote in 2011 to be taken on the full acceptance. The result was 58 in favour and 30 against.

• It was accepted some items in the Draft Articles “may” require some alteration or amendment, and the gentlemen were asked to let the Clerk have written notice of these.

• The Draft Articles and any suggested additions or amendments would be circulated prior to the 2011 Meeting.

The Captain closed the meeting at 15.11.

Also in the year 2010

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

Prime Minister: David Cameron – Conservative Party
in a coalition government with the Liberal Democrats
leader, Nick Clegg as Deputy Prime Minister


The Antient Silver Arrow