Tournament Results 2009

The 301st Recorded Meeting in the 337th year of The Society of Archers
held at St Mary’s College, Hull, East Yorkshire on Saturday 16th May 2009

With his first arrow of the day,
Mark Farrow looked on target to
take the Captainancy but after some
serious debate, the arrow is ruled out.

Its a tough call as this close up shows but
the arrow is judged not to have broken
the line, though there is a tear in the black spot. So at the next end……

… It’s all academic as Mark is, well – ‘on mark’ and wins the Captainancy!

The Clerks Report

The 16th day of May 2009 dawned bright and sunny, the archers assembled for the 301st Recorded Meeting of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow at St.Mary’s College, Hull.

Archers were called to assembly, under the flag of The Society, by the usual sounding of the Bugle. The day’s greeting was given by the Captain, Guy Hair, welcoming archers to the 301st meeting, and confirming The Arrow had been returned. The Clerk to the Society and Judges kept their announcements brief with the shoot commencing promptly at 10.30am.

With his first arrow of the day, Mark Farrow, from Scorton, looked on target to take the Captaincy but after some serious debate, the arrow is ruled out. The arrow is judged not to have broken the line, though there is a tear in the black spot. Peter Aikman shooting his longbow took the best red and the Lieutenant elect honour. Mark made no mistake at the very next end with his arrow fully in the black spot.

Shooting continued throughout the morning until 12.30 when the judges called the break for lunch. A fine luncheon washed down with ample wine, was followed by the usual lively meeting. Due to a long meeting the afternoon’s session was reduced to an hour and a half.

The presentation of the trophies was carried out by the Captain’s Lady, with the retiring Captain giving his thanks to all those involved in the organisation of the day.

Judges: Mr Denis Heritage & Sean Gleeson

The Scorton group of Trophies
Captain of the ArrowMark Farrow
Lieutenant of the ArrowPeter Aikman
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteRobert Powell
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowTrevor Astley
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowLawrence Dixon
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen – born within the County
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreAdrian Hayes
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsMark Farrow
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldBob Ripley
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersMark Farrow
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreAdrian Hayes
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingBob Ripley
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldBob Ripley
Second BestLawrence Dixon
Third BestFrank Lister
Most GoldsAdrian hayes
Second MostMark farrow
Third MostMarc Grady, Mick Winsett,
Paul Tucker, Noel Lawrence,
Andrew rock & Norman Wright


108 Gentlemen entered the Competition of which 108 participated.

We also had the pleasure of the company of:
Frank Butler (L), Terry Dawson (L),Simon Elvidge (R), Matt Garratt (L), Paul Hepworth (L),
John Owens (L), William Spencer (L), Bruce Thompson (R) & Michael Ware (L).
R = Recurve. L = Longbow

Minutes of the 301st Meeting – 16th May 2009

The Captain, Guy Hair, called upon the people present to stand for the Loyal Toast to Her Majesty The Queen. He then asked the Gentlemen Archers present to stand whilst those who had not shot with him in the morning left the room.

The Captain then called for the toasts to the Society and the Arrow, The Captain Elect and Lieutenant Elect.

Lewis Mitchell, The Lieutenant read the minutes of the 300th meeting. These were accepted as a true record and the Record Book duly signed by the Captain.

There were several apologies for absence.

• Enquiries were made about whether or not the Commemorative Badge die had been destroyed. The Clerk presented the die to the members and asked for this matter to be deferred to later as additional correspondence had been received on the matter.

• Past Captain, Drew Stapleton reported to the members that Neville Lever, his main supporter last year and the person who had made the 300th meeting possible, through his support and fundraising had sadly passed away 4 weeks ago.

• The Clerk reported that the Loyal Message and Rose had been sent to Her Majesty. No reply had yet been received, nor had one been received for last year either.

• Correspondence has been received from Past Captain Adrian Hayes, proposing that the Commemorative Badge die, not be destroyed, but rather used to create a new trophy for longbow archers. Significant debate ensued, with views expressed for and against this proposal. A vote was taken and a substantial majority voted in favour of retaining, modifying and re-using the die for a longbow trophy. Ideas and designs for such a trophy and it’s specific use should be sent to the Clerk, to be discussed by the Council of Captains and for final details to be presented to the 302nd Meeting.

• The Clerk presented the accounts for the approval of the members. A balance of £4,922.50 was shown in the Reserve & Administration Accounts. The Clerk proposed that as the funds were growing substantially and that there were no great demands on either fund, that in future the cost of the insurance for the Meeting should be met from the funds. Again, after much debate, the proposal was voted upon and a substantial majority supported the proposal. This will take effect from the 302nd Meeting.

• Philip Rolls proposed that in future, recurve bows should only be permitted if they were shot as barebow, without sights and other aids. This was voted upon and a small majority rejected the proposal.

• Gordon Aldred pointed out that a Horn Spoon, believed to be a replica of the Spoon awarded for the Worst White, presented by the Society to Ribblesdale Archers in 1926, had, with the closure of Ribblesdale, now come into the possession of his club at Samlesbury. The archers of the club, wished to present the Spoon back to the Society, if that would be acceptable. This kind offer was accepted, and the specific use of the spoon as a trophy would be considered along with the use of the die.

• A comment was raised about Gentlemen standing and applauding whilst the guests left the room after lunch, and how this was no longer practiced. No firm proposal was put forward but the general agreement was that it was acceptable for the Captain to ask the Gentlemen to stand and for him to offer thanks to all our guests for their company during lunch, but to ask everyone who had not shot with him during the morning to leave the room.

The Clerk pointed out that due to venue constraints it was necessary to cease shooting at 17:30, which meant that 2 hours would not be available for shooting in the afternoon, and he then closed the meeting at 15:40.

Also in the year 2009

A lovely house for just £1,600 …

“Yes – where else do you expect
my ducks to live ?”

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister:

A year of sleaze and the ‘credit crunch’!

Directors and top executives of major banks severely
criticized for receiving enormous bonuses whilst their
banks suffered losses running in to billions of pounds.
Britain is in severe recession and unemployment
soars to over 2 million.

Members of Parliament face public distain as many are
exposed by The Daily Telegraph Newspaper for flouting
their MP’s Expenses rules. ‘Essential’ household costs
included the erection of a floating duck house on
the ornamental lake of Sir Peter Viggers country house.

House of Commons Speaker, Michael Martin became the
highest profile casualty of the expenses scandal and
announces his resignation.

The last time a Speaker was driven from office was in 1695. Sir John Trevor was sacked after he was found guilty of taking a bribe.


The Antient Silver Arrow