Tournament Results 2007

The 299th Recorded Meeting in the 335th year of
The Society of Archers
held at St Marys College, Hull, East Yorkshire
on Saturday 19th May 2007

The Clerks Report

A bright, sunny but windy day greeted the archers on the morning of the 19th May 2007, to compete in the 299th Recorded Meeting of the Society. This year’s event was held at St.Mary’s Sports College, Hull. A total of 88 gentleman archers took the field with the Captain of which 55 carried the longbow.

Archers were called to assembly by the usual sounding of the Bugle. The greeting was given by the Captain, Scott Walker, welcoming archers to the 299th recorded meeting and stating that The Arrow had been returned and was available to be shot for together with the other usual trophies. The Clerk to the Society and Judges kept their announcements brief with the shoot commencing promptly at 10.30am.

At the first end the Lieutenant for the year was decided with Martin Jordan of Chantry recording the best red, and this was followed a few ends later by the first hit of the 3 inch black spot gold. This was achieved by Drew Stapleton of Scorton Archers. Drew was physically shocked by his achievement, coupled with the thought that he would be responsible for the organisation of the landmark 300th Recorded Meeting of the Society.

Several lively conversations took place during the meeting that followed lunch, mainly surrounding the 2008 shoot and proposed commemorative badges.

An excellent day was rounded off with the presentation of trophies carried out by the Captain’s Lady. The retiring Captain gave his thanks to all those that had helped make a successful shoot.

‘Colin was disappointed to find that there was no prize awarded for trick shots for
shooting holes in his umbrella, which was cunningly concealed behind the target’
(See also in 2007 by scrolling below)

Judges: Mr Dennis Heritage & Mr John Gilroy

The Scorton group of Trophies
Captain of the ArrowDrew Stapleton
Lieutenant of the ArrowMatrin Jordan
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteMarc Grady
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowLewis Mitchell
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowColin Hope
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreAdrian Hayes
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsDavid Nordoff
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldMartin Jordan
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersDavid Nordoff
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreAdrian Hayes
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingMartin Jordan
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldMartin Jordan
Second BestDrew Stapleton
Third BestGeorge Brown
Most GoldsAdrian Hayes
Second MostChris Battersby & Mick Winsett
Third Most


94 Gentlemen entered the Competition of which 88 participated.

We also had the pleasure of the company of:
Mr Ian Cherry, Mr Gordon Aldred, Mr Geoff Gaunt, Mr T A Corney
Mr Terry Dawson, Mr David Rogerson, Mr John Owens, Mr Bill Spencer and Mr Allan Cowie.

Colin Dawson, P Dean, Dean Lowe, Jack McKeown, Joe Noblet, Bob Ripley and Graham Stark entered but did not shoot.

Minutes of the 299th Meeting – 19th May 2007

Minutes of the 299th Recorded Meeting held at St Mary’s College Hull on 19th May 2007

The Captain gave the Loyal Toast, and toasts to the Captain and Lieutenant Elect.

A Toast was also made to absent friends.

The Clerk asked those that had not shot with the Captain in the morning should leave the room before the meeting could begin.

The Clerk advised the Gentlemen present that the Captain had asked him to conduct the Meeting, with the agreement of the Members present.

With the absence of the Lieutenant, Bob Ripley, the Assistant Clerk read the minutes of the 298th meeting. These were accepted as a true record and the Record Book duly signed by the Captain.

There were 9 apologies for absence.

• Two tents have been purchased for use by the Lady Scorers, and are in use today.

• No progress has been made on inviting a “Member of the Royal Household” to the 300th Recorded Meeting, as the date and venue for the 2008 Meeting are the prerogative of the Captain Elect.

• The Clerk conveyed Her Majesty’s kind message to the Society in response to our loyal address.

• The Clerk presented the accounts for the approval of the members. A balance of £3,345.71 was shown in the Reserve Account, and £782.65 in the Administration Fund.

• A wide ranging discussion was held on matters relating to the 300th Recorded Meeting to be held in 2008. It was agreed that a fund of £500 be made available to the Clerk and Captain to cover any abnormal costs which may occur due to the potential attendance by a Member of the Royal Household. Other than this it was agreed that the costs of the Meeting should still be borne by Members participating.

• The designs for a commemorative brooch were discussed. It was agreed the final design should be agreed by the Clerk and the Captains, but should incorporate the following. Be of a Rose outline, depicting the Arrow. Should be of solid silver. Should state 300th Recorded Meeting and the dates 1673 to 2008. A cost estimate of £30 was placed on the brooch. These would be ordered by the Clerk once individual members pass on their payment.

• It was confirmed that the funds raised by the book raffles over the last two years should be used to cover standing costs of the die and the tools for the brooch production.

• It was agreed to investigate the availability of a microphone device to be used by members in the AGM.

• The Clerk thanked Philip Rolls for the work still being done on the Website, which is still receiving great interest.

The Clerk then closed the meeting on behalf of the Captain at 15:10.

Also in the year 2007

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party
— * —
A ‘holly’ Umbrella attracts no bids on eBay


Mr Malcolm Grady, Burton Constable Company of Bowmen (left) Congratulates his son Marc Grady, Lugg Valley Company of Archers Hereford on winning the Ancient Horned Spoon.

The Antient Silver Arrow