Tournament Results 2006

The 298th Recorded Meeting in the 334th year of The Society of Archers
held at Scorton, North Yorkshire
on Saturday 20th May 2006

Following the most atrocious of weather conditions, a brief glimmer of sunshine after Tea
managed to capture four of our most distinguished members:
(left to right) Mr Frank Lister, Lieutenant 1975., Mr Michael Leach, Captain 1948.,
Mr Frank Newbould, Captain 1951 and Mr Brian Richards, Captain 2005

The Clerks Report

This years shoot returned to its birth, in the village of Scorton. The 20th day of May 2006, dawned wet and windy. All in all 79 archers entered, with 71 of them taking the field with the Captain, Brian Richards. 51 of these carried the longbow.

In the absence of Adrian Hayes, the Lieutenant, his brother Mark sounded the bugle for assembly. Brian welcomed all archers to Scorton, and apologised for the wet and windy conditions. The Clerk and Judges kept their words to a minimum so shooting could start at 10.30am.

At the first end the lieutenancy was decided and this went to Bob Ripley. The Captaincy was however proving hard to decide, due in the main to the conditions, however, half way through the morning it was won by Scott Walker, shooting in his first Scorton.

After a satisfying, but lengthy luncheon, followed by the usual lively annual meeting shooting commenced at approximately 3.45pm, with it having been decided shooting would finish at 5pm and not after the usual 2 hours. The Judges manned the swearbags throughout the day and raised some £15.45. This was handed to the Captain for onward donation to Bolton-on-Swale, st.Mary’s Primary School.

After tea the Trophies were presented to the deserving winners. The Captain’s presentations were made to the Lady Scorers, and the usual bottles to the two judges, all done graciously by the Captain’s Lady.

The meeting was rounded off by the Captain passing his thanks to the Scorton Feast Committee for ensuring the day went without problem.

Judges: Mr Dennis Heritage & Mr John Gilroy

The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowScott Walker
Lieutenant of the ArrowBob Ripley
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteMike Young
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowAlan Beatty
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowColin Hope
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen – born within the County
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreMark Hayes
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsPaul Scudamore
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldScott Walker
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersMark Hayes
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScorePaul Scudamore
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingScott Walker
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldScott Walker
Second BestPaul Scudamore
Third BestBob Ripley
Most GoldsBob Ripley & Paul Scudamore
Second Most
Third MostMark Hayes


We also had the pleasure of the company of:
Mr Peter Aikman., Mr Brian Birchley., Mr M S Hayes., Mr B Hill., and Mr John Owens.
Also Mr Brian Richards (Captain 2005) who retired to undertake the Captains duty.

Mr Gary Aldred., Mr Colin Dawson., Mr P A Dean., Mr Adrian Hayes.,
Mr Geoff Gaunt., Mr Doug Pattinson., and Mr Brian Trotter
entered but did not shoot.

Minutes of the 298th Meeting – 20 May 2006

The Captain gave the Loyal Toast.

The Clerk asked those that had not shot with the Captain in the morning to leave the room before the meeting was able to begin.

The Clerk advised the Gentlemen present that the Captain had asked him to conduct the Meeting, with the agreement of the Members present. This was agreed.

With the absence of the Lieutenant, Adrian Hayes who is ill, The Clerk asked the Assistant Clerk and Past Captain David Phillips to read the minutes of the 297th meeting. These were accepted as a true record and the Record Book duly signed by the Captain.

Apologies had been received from Adrian Hayes, Gary Aldred, Steve Bielby, Doug Pattinson, Chris Battersby. Harry Feakins had also sent his apologies, but had sadly passed away a few weeks ago.

Matters arising from the Minutes
Further to discussions last year about commemorating the 300th year, this was discussed again, with suggestions of either an enamel or silver brooch. The Clerk was instructed to investigate prices and to consider any further designs, which should be submitted to him. Ideally the design and cost should be available for the 2007 meeting, to allow Gentlemen to order their brooch so they could receive and wear it at the 2008 shoot. A suggestion was made to consider inviting a “Royal” to help celebrate the 300th Anniversary.

Regarding the request, last year, to attend the Scorton Village 750th Anniversary, it was pointed out that Scorton Archers already attend the Anniversary Day. Our presence today has been supported by the Village, and is being used to launch the Anniversary Year.

The Clerk reported that the White Rose and Loyal message had been sent to Her Majesty. The reply has been sent to the Captain. He pointed out that Buckingham Palace had done their research to find Brian’s address, as this was not shown in the original letter.

The Clerk reported that he had a letter from a Vicky Moore, requesting to purchase a Captains Brooch for her husband who had been Captain in 1989. This had been agreed and dealt with.

The Clerk presented the Society Accounts to the meeting and invited comments.

Last years raffle of the Robert Hardy Book had raised £134. Philip Rolls had secured an updated copy, which he offered for raffle this year.

Discussion ensued about the tents for the Lady Scorers. It was agreed to invest £500 and purchase 2 new ones of higher quality.

Philip reported that the Society Website was still receiving many visits.

As we were already running significantly later than usual, the Clerk suggested that we should close the meeting now and then finish the afternoon shoot at 5pm regardless.

The Clerk then closed the meeting on behalf of the Captain at 15:23.

Also in the year 2006

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party

For only the Fourteenth time in the Society of Archers 334 year history
and the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow,
we return once more to our home Village of Scorton, North Yorkshire upon
the kind invitation of Scorton Village in this the 750th anniversary year of the
Scorton Village Feast.

The Scorton Village Committee had done everything possible to make the day
a memorable and enjoyable tournament and even the cold north wind and continual
driving rain, dampened neither our hearts or spirit – only the fletchings on our arrows,
leading to some of the worst scores seen for many a year.

New acquaintances were made, new friendships forged. It was good to be back.
We had returned home and could not have been made more welcome.

A hearty breakfast of true ‘Yorkshire’ Portions was provided by Mrs Pauline Burrows
of the Farmers Arms, which was enjoyed by many Members before the shoot.

One Member, who said he had already taken breakfast of Smoked Salmon and
Scrambled Eggs at home before setting off to the Tournament, but decided
it would be impolite not to join us at the breakfast table, so had a
glass of Ale in which was placed a cornflake so as not to appear unsociable.


The Antient Silver Arrow