Tournament Results 2005

The 297th Recorded Meeting in the 333rd year of The Society of Archers
was held at Brayton College, Selby
on Saturday 21th May 2005

The Clerks Report

This years tournament took place at Brayton College, Selby. A bright day unfolded with 69 archers taking the field. 52 of these carried the longbow. Assembly took place at the Society’s flag on the morning of the 21st day of May 2005. Captain Ron Batey gave the usual warm welcome to the gathered archers. The Clerk and Judges then ran though the usual about the rules and etiquette of the shoot.

Shooting commenced at 10.30am. Both the Captain and Lieutenant were decided at the first end with Brian Richards taking the Captaincy and Adrian Hayes, past Captain, taking the Lieutenancy. The Captaincy again going to a longbow archer.

After the usual satisfying luncheon with wine, followed by a lively annual meeting, shooting continued through the afternoon until 5.00pm. During the day the Judges manned the swear bags raising some £24. This was handed to the Captain for onward donation to the Parkinson’s Disease Society.

After Tea the Trophies were presented to the deserving winners. The Captain’s presentations were made to the Lady Scorers, and the usual bottles to the two Judges, all graciously done by the Captain’s Lady.

The meeting was rounded off by the Captain passing his heartfelt thanks to Selby Archery Club for all the hard work carried out.

Judges: Mr Dennis Heritage & Mr John Gilroy

The Scorton group of Trophies
Captain of the ArrowBrian Richards
Lieutenant of the ArrowAdrian Hayes
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteSteve Bielby
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowColin Hope
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowLewis Mitchell
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreAdrian Hayes
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsMark Hayes
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldSteve Bielby
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersAdrian Hayes
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreMark Hayes
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingBrian Richards
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldBrian Richards
Second BestMike Young
Third BestSteve Bielby
Most GoldsAdrian Hayes
Second MostMark Hayes
Third MostDanny Walsh


We also had the pleasure of the company of:
Mr Steve Crabtree., Mr John Owens and Mr Graham Stark.
Also Mr Dave Phillips who retired to assist.
Mr Darren Hewick & Mr Ken Ward entered but did not shoot.

Minutes of the 297th Meeting – 21st May 2005

The Captain gave the Loyal Toast.

The Clerk asked those that had not shot with the Captain in the morning to leave the room before the meeting was able to begin.

The Captain proceeded with the further toasts for the Captain and Lieutenant elect.

The Lieutenant read the minutes of the previous year’s meeting and all accepted these were a true record of the meeting. The Captain duly signed the record book.

No matters were arising from the previous years meeting.

The Clerk reported that there were apologies received from the following; John Seddon, Mike Murphy, Rod Spink and Doug Pattison.

Correspondence – The Palace had been sent the usual white rose and a reply had been received from the Assistant Private Secretary to the Queen.

Following on from last years request by Michael Leach’s son, John, a Captain’s Brooch was sent to Michael. A letter was received from Michael thanking the Society for the kind thoughts, and passing his regards to all those connected to the Society.

A letter had been received from Patrick Revell, suggesting a format for the shoot in the 300th year. The general gist of this was to revert back to the original distance of eight score yards, and also a proposed introduction of a new trophy. The letter was discussed in general and it accepted that ideas for the 300th shoot should be thought about and brought to next years meeting.

The Clerk again brought up the question of a design for a commemorative badge for the 300th shoot. Any proposals should be sent to the Clerk.

Phillip Rolls, Website Editor, gave a brief report that the website was continuing to receive hits and interest. Phillip reported that he had received communication from the publishers of Robert Hardy’s latest book, ‘The War Book’. An offer of a book for mention on the Society’s website has been made, and accepted by Phillip. Phillip suggested the raffling of the book and the proceeds going towards any 300th shoot celebrations. This was duly agreed. Tickets would be sold for a price of £1.

Phillip had received contact from Scorton village asking if we would be interested in joining the Village’s 750th anniversary celebrations in August 2006. It had also been asked if the Society would be interested in holding the 2006 shoot in Scorton. Much discussion took place on this and it was left that the Captain would consider any approach regarding the 2006 shoot, and the Clerk would make contact with Scorton about joining the celebrations. The two events would be treated separately. Names of volunteers were taken by the Clerk.

The Clerk put the Society accounts to the meeting and invited comments. A member asked if the accounts were audited. Again much discussion took place and it agreed that the Society had functioned successfully in the past without audit and did not find it necessary to change.

The Captain closed the meeting.

Also in the year 2005

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party

General Elections were held in May with Labour returned to power for a third successive term with a much reduced majority.

A copy of Matthew Strickland & Robert Hardy’s newly released book ‘The Great War Bow’ which was generously donated by their publishers in exchange for a link on our website was used as a raffle prize and was won by Geoff Rhodes.

The proceeds of this raffle amounted to £125 which are to be used towards the costs of some Commemorative Lapel Badges in 2008 when the Society will celebrate the 300th shoot in our 336th year.

(Tournament not held in various War years)


The Antient Silver Arrow