Tournament Results 2003

The 295th Recorded Meeting in the 331st year of The Society of Archers
held at Brayton High School, Selby, North Yorkshire
on Saturday 17th May 2003

The Clerks Report

Another dismal May day, 61 Archers in water proofs, 48 of whom carried the Longbow, assembled at the Societies Flag on the morning of Saturday the 17th 2003. They were given the usual pep talk on rules and procedure by the Clerk and Judges.

Shooting commenced at 10.30 am. The Lieutenancy was decided very early in the shoot in favour of Clive Roebuck of Harrogate, but the black spot was not struck until nearly Lunch time by Richard Todd (no!) of Wrawby, Lincolnshire.

After the usual satisfying Luncheon with Wine the shooting carried on in the rain until 5-00pm. The swear bags were not very heavy, a small sum of £15.15 was all the Captain could hand over the the Save The Children Fund in Cumbria.

Before the prize giving, the Clerk, Stan Snow announced he would be handing over to his Deputy, Andrew Neal, (a young fella!) at next years meeting. After Tea the Trophies were presented to the deserving Archers, the Captains presentations were made to the Lady Scorers (bless’em), and the Bottles passed to the two Judges, all graciously done by the Captains Wife followed by the Captains heart felt thanks to Selby Achers for all the hard, wet work

Mr Stanley Snow., Clerk to the Society.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowRichard Todd
Lieutenant of the ArrowClive Roebuck
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteGraham Tune
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowAdrian Hayes
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowColin Hope
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreBob Ripley
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsNoel Lawrence
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldMartin Spence
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersBob Ripley
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreGary Aldred
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingMartin Spence
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldMartin Spence
Second BestRichard Todd
Third BestNoel Lawrence
Most GoldsMike Yaxley
Second MostNoel Lawrence
Third MostGary Aldred & Bob Ripley
Proceeds of the Swear Bag£


We also had the pleasure of the company of:
G. Gaunt (retired) and G. Stark both of whom shot shot in the longbow

Minutes of the 295th Meeting – 17th May 2003

After the Loyal Toast by the retiring Captain, a Toast was proposed by the Clerk to the memory of Major Roger Crees who died after a long illness earlier in the year.

Frank Newbould, Captain in 1951, gave the gathering a reprise of his year as Captain and recalled some of the events concerning the Society over the past 52 years. He was then presented with a Crystal Vase by the retiring Captain, Chris Battersby as a memorandum of his Scorton years.

The pleasant part of the proceedings over, the Clerk then requested the Ladies and non-shooting Gentlemen to withdraw. The meeting started with Toasts by the Captain to the Society, the Arrow, the Captain and Lieutenant Elect. The retiring Lieutenant then read the minutes of last years meeting which were duly signed by the Captain after being approved by all the members present.

Apologies were read from Gentlemen unable to attend the Shoot, one of them even let work interfere with his Archery (tut tut), a ‘Thank you for the Flowers card’ from Mrs Joan Crees was also read out.

The Queens reply to her annual White Rose was read to the meeting.

The Clerk then presented the Accounts for the approval of the Society. A Balance of £2,926.54 was shown on the reserve fund, this is £197.58 less than last year owing to the expense of adding two new parchments to the Captains Register at a cost of £163.46, add to that the very low interest rate and the usual calls on the Fund. With £607.20 in the administration fund, £21.49 cash in hand, the Society now holds £3,533.74 plus stock at the cost price of £518.95

Dr Cedric Abbott was thanked by the Gentlemen for his generous gift of four sets of computer printed photocopies of all the record books, including the original Parchment. Phil Rolls was also given a vote of thanks for all his work on the website, a great success.

A Gentleman who wanted a mistake rectified by having his name and score inserted into its correct placing in the 2001 entry, sportingly retracted his request when the costs of having this done was revealed.

A discussion as to the ownership of the Society’s Trophies was held, it was agreed that Rule 13 should be amended to ensure that the Trophies remain the property of the Society and only held in trust by winners each year.

After thanks to the Caterers for an excellent meal the Captain closed the meeting at 3.20pm

Also in the year 2003

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party

American & British Forces form coalition and launch invasion on Iraq ‘to protect civilisation from alleged weapons of mass destruction’

Reporters and photographers from Reuters International and IPC’s Shooting Times & Country Magazine attend the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow Competition.

Frank Newbould (Captain 1951) recalls that up to 20 reporters used to cover the event annually in years gone by, during a reminiscent address Frank makes to the Society, having being presented with a specially inscribed Crystal Vase as a token of appreciation for all that he has contributed to the Society since he first attended in 1948. Frank’s address receives a warm and rapturous applause.
(Franks fulll address will be featured here as soon as received)

Members are asked to come up with a design for the next meeting to commemorate the 300th Meeting that is due to take place in 5 years time in 2008

Clerk to the Society, Mr Stan Snow announces his intentions to retire from his honourable position. The news is greeted with both sadness and dismay by our Members and their guests.

The Archer who apolgised for not attending due to work commitment was popular Longbow man Bernard Hinde from St Georges Archery Club in Harrogate (who did just about everything to try and get the day off!).

Another apologist was Ernest Green, one of the Societies long standing characters (mostly in the meetings!) who is recovering from a heart attack. A get well soon card was sent to Ernest on behalf of the Members wishing him a speedy recovery.

Finally, be it noted that since 1673 – a cumlative annual total of 7,064 Archers have now entered the competition and hit the target at Antient Scorton Silver Arrow meetings.


The Antient Silver Arrow