The 292nd Recorded Meeting in the 328th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Melton, Yorkshire
on Saturday 20th May 2000

The Clerks Report
On the day of the 292nd Antient Scorton Arrow Shoot, the 20th May, the sun was promising a perfect day, warm; dry with a gentle breeze. Time for assembly, The Captain, The Judges, Denis Heritage and Paul Senior, and the Clerk give their usual talk to the assembled hopefuls. The Captain and Lieutenant, George Brown and Derek Wilcock, shoot first. There is a hush over the field, some of the Gentlemen heave a sigh of relief, neither Gold nor Red has been hit. This however is soon to be rectified; both are taken in the first few ends, The Captain’s Arrow by Andrew Neal of Selby Archers, The Lieutenant’s Bugle by Brian Hill of Harvester Archers. The rest of the field can breath again.
After two hours a generous Buffet was consumed, washed down with an ample supply of liquid.
Shooting resumed at 3.30pm (’twas a long meeting). The lady scorers, resplendent in their Gazebos were quite happy not to be holding down the tents, after last years howling gales.
63 Archers out of 72 entrants took to the field, 35 of whom were Longbowmen. The Captain made known his intention of presenting the contents of the swear to his local Salvation Army at Mansfield, £36.36 being the amount collected. After the usual thanks and appreciation for the Buffet and all the help received from Chantry B/III, Dearne Valley A/C and John Seddon. The Captain’s Lady Mrs Eileen Brown presented the Trophies and Sweepstakes.
Mr Stanley Snow., Clerk to the Society.
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | Andrew Neal |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | Brian Hill |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | Adrian hayes |
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, Longbow | … | Colin Hope |
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, Longbow | … | Adrian Hayes |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | Bob Ripley |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | Steve Sharman |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | Bob Ripley |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | Bob Ripley |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | Derek Wilcock |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | Bob Ripley |
The Sweepstakes | ||
Best Gold | … | Bob Ripley |
Second Best | … | John Peasee |
Third Best | … | Chris Battersby |
Most Golds | … | Chris Battersby |
Second Most | … | Bob Ripley |
Third Most | … | Derek Wilcock |
The Judges | … | Mr Paul Senior & Mr Denis Heritage |
We also had the pleasure of the company of :
R. Pointing, J. Knott and G. Baxter who also shot.
72 Gentlemen entered, 3 had medical grounds for not attending.
Minutes of the 292nd Meeting – 20th May 2000
After the Loyal Toast the Ladies and those who did not draw the Bow with the Captain were asked by the clerk to withdraw. The meeting started with the Captain proposing the toast to the Society, the Arrow, the Captain and Lieutenant elect. The minutes of the 291st meeting were read by the Lieutenant and duly signed by the Captain. The Captain asked for matters arising to be defferred until later.
The Clerk then rose to give his report, The Queen’s reply to the White Rose and the Loyal Message was read out to the assembled Archers. He reported that the balance of the reserve fund now stood at £3007.63.
Apologies from those who had taken the trouble to send them to the Captain, were then read or announced, being – R Grees, G Foster, C Line, G Thorley, G Aldred, P Garner, A Flanigan, S Daniels, D Pattinson, J Owens. The Captain sent cards, signed by most of the members present, to George Thorley (the first time he has missed the Scorton since 1968) and to Gordon Aldred wishing him a speedy recovery.
Matters arising – The Clerk reported on his meeting with the Master of the Armouries, Mr Guy Wilson, regarding the Arrow being lodged at the Royal Armouries for safe keeping and placing it on display. Mr Wilson said he would be glad to do this for the Society. The meeting then decided that the Clerk be requested to make arrangements and an agreement that the Arrow with a written history, be placed on display for 355 days of the year, and that the Society take possession of it, after giving one months notice of intent to the Master of the Armouries, for 10-11 days to enable it to be presented to, and shown off by, the Captain elect for that year.
Matters for discussion – A Gentleman complained bitterly that the Society did not buy back the Arrow from the Captain; the Captain referred him to Rule 16 in the Notes for Guidance of Competitors and stated that he had no wish to take the 10/-.
The non attendance of Archers who could have contacted the Captain before the closing date was discussed at length. The Captain reported that because of this he was well over £100 out of pocket and he welcomed a suggestion that all present be asked to contribute £2 each to cover the loss. It was proposed, seconded and carried that the deposit be increased to £20, the Captain elect stated that he will be asking for that sum next year.
The Clerk brought up the subject of another Deputy. Because of Roger Crees being so incapacitated at the present time, he thinks it best if the Society is covered, he proposed Gordon Foster who had kindly volunteered previously. The appointment was approved.
The Gentleman who won the Trophy for Worst White donated the balance of the pool monies to the Reserve Fund – £11. Two other Gentlemen donated the proceeds of their day – £2.55 & £1.90.
Shooting recommenced at 3.30pm.
The Captain thanked Dearne Valley Archers, Chantry Bowmen of Rotherham and John Seddon for their valuable assistance.
Also in the year 2000
Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party