Tournament Results 1995

The 287th Recorded Meeting in the 323rd year of
The Society of Archers
held at Selby, North Yorkshire
on Saturday 20th May 1995

The Clerks Report

Let it be recorded that 110 Gentlemen assembled at Selby in the North Riding on 20th May 1995, in uncertain weather. In the first end the Lieutenancy was won by John Seddon, and the Captaincy was won a few ends later by Lewis Mitchell.

Of the Gentlemen present on the line, some 72 carried the longbow.

A presentation of £40.28 was made to the Priest of the parish for the poor as a result of the immoderate use of language by Gentlemen, in accordance with Rule 7 of the Society.

Mr Roger Crees., Clerk to the Society.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowLewis Mitchell
Lieutenant of the ArrowJohn Seddon
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhitePete Davies
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowJohn Geldard
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowGordon Aldred
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreLes Newsome
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsNoel Lawrence
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldMark Hayes
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersLes Newsome
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreNoel Lawrence
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingMark Hayes
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldMark Hayes
Second BestJohn Seddon
Third BestLewis Mitchell
Most GoldsLes Newsome
Second MostMark Hayes
Third MostAndrew Neal & Terry Ducker


We also had the pleasure of the company of:
J Ramsey, W Richardson, E Shepherd, S Brown, L Whittaker and the Clerk

Minutes of the 287th Meeting

There were 11 apologies for absence. The Minutes of the 1994 Meeting were read and signed by the Captain.

Arising, the matter of a cancellation date was discussed and agreed that the Captain should determine this and indicate the date on the entry form. There would be no refunds of deposits after this date.

It was agreed that binoculars and similar visual aids would not be allowed on the line. It was also agreed that when the Ladies and our Guests withdrew at the end of luncheon, we would show our appreciation by rising and a polite handclap.

The Meeting thanked Selby Archers for their work in preparing the ground and arrangements for the Meeting.

The suggestion that we should shoot three arrows at each end was dismissed.

The Clerk conveyed Her Majesty’s kind message to the Society in response to our loyal address.

The Clerk also reported a balance of £347.11 in the administrative account and a balance of £2749.68 in the Reserve account. Stocks held on 19th May 1995 were valued at £406.60.

The Meeting was closed at 2.40pm.

Also in the year 1995

Monarchy: Her Royal Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
Prime Minister: Tony Blair – Labour Party

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The Antient Silver Arrow