Tournament Results 1994

The 286th Recorded Meeting in the 322nd year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Selby, North Yorkshire
on the 21st day of May 1994

The Clerks Report

Let it be recorded that 112 Gentlemen assembled at Selby on 21st May 1994, for the 286th Recorded Meeting in the 322nd year of the Society.

The day was wet, cold and windy but shooting commenced at 10.30 o’clock after the Gentlemen were assembled by the Lieutenant’s bugle. The first item of note was the winning of the Lieutenancy by Edwin Chattaway in the first end, one of the 77 longbowmen on the line.

The Captaincy was secured by Philip Claydon of Selby Archers later in the morning. Luncheon was taken followed by the Meeting of the Society.

Shooting continued for a further two hours in the afternoon with slightly reduced numbers due to the inclement weather and tea was taken followed by the presentation of the Arrow and Trophies being made by the Captain’s Lady.

To the Vicar, for the Poor of the Parish £43.00

A Miserable day, wet, cold and blowing hard on the field, but warm and most enjoyable inside as guests of Selby Archers.

Major Roger Crees, Clerk to the Society.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowPhil Claydon
Lieutenant of the ArrowEddie Chattaway
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteKen Moss
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowAdrian hayes
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowColin Hope
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreK Marson
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsMark Hayes
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldIan Huntingdon
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersK Marson
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreMark Hayes
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingIan Huntingdon
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldMark Hayes
Second BestIan Huntingdon
Third BestA Young
Most GoldsNoel Lawrence & K Marson
Second Most
Third MostMark Hayes & T Frost


We also had the pleasure of the company of L Whittaker, L Harrisson, S Patterson, J Whitehouse, N Grimshaw, P Cromack, P Garner, S Brown, A Topham, K Morrison, M S Hayes, S Brock, J Wright, M Cooper, A Flannagan, W Richardson, G Foster, G Thorley, C Line, R Pointing, J Carr, C Scurrah, J Ramsey, J Bennet and the Clerk.

Minutes of the 1994 meeting

The Clerk was greatly honoured to receive a fine Testimonial from the Captain, to mark 26 years in office, for which he expressed his sincere thanks.

Apologies: Eleven members regretted that they could not attend.

Minutes: The Lieutenant read the Minutes of the 285th Meeting which were signed by the Captain.

Correspondence: The Society was honoured by a message from HM The Queen in reply to our loyal address. A letter was received from JW Bugden and PM Harrisson proposing that the rules governing shooting be altered to allow only ‘bare-bows’, that is bows with no sights or stabilisers. After a long discussion it was agreed that there should be no alteration to the existing rules.

Other Business: It was noted that 13 Gentlemen had entered but not attended. This gave rise to difficulties with the catering arrangements which were overcome by an immediate response from Members present. Arising, it was agreed that, in future, entry forms would request a payment of £10.00 as part payment which would not be returned unless cancellation was made before the Captain had finalised his arrangements.

The Meeting was closed by the Captain at 3.10pm.

The Antient Silver Arrow