The 283rd Recorded Meeting in the 319th year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Settle, North Yorkshire
on the 25th day of May 1991
The Clerks Report
Be it recorded that on 25th May 1991 at Settle, 125 Gentlemen met for the 283rd recorded meeting of which 89 were longbowmen.
Shooting commenced with the Captain and Lieutenant to defend their titles. Both Captain John Geldard and Lieutenant Stephen Williams hit the red in the first end. The Captain John Geldard shooting wooden arrows from a longbow was adjudged the best thus becoming Lieutenant for the ensuing year.
The next item of note was the piercing of the inner gold in the end by Adrian Hayes who thus became Captain of the arrow for the ensuing year.
Shooting continued for two hours in dull but dry weather, after which the gentlemen adjourned to take luncheon at Settle High School Hall and held the 283rd meeting of the society.
After the meeting shooting resumed for a further two hours where after the gentlemen retired for tea and presentation of prizes by the Captain’s Lady Mrs Barbara Booth.
Closing the meeting the Captain thanked the scorers, judge, Settle Middle and High Schools, the caterers for a splendid luncheon and Members of Settle Archery Club for their invaluable assistance.
From the use of oaths on the field to the use of the Poor of the Parish £35.00
One hundred and twenty five archers took part of whom eighty nine were longbowmen.
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | Adrian Hayes |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | John Geldard |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | Eric Tindall |
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, Longbow | … | Colin Hope |
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, Longbow | … | Michael Brooke |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | Noel Lawrence |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | Paul Rushton |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | Paul Varey |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | Noel Lawrence |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | Adrian Hayes |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | Paul Varey |
The Sweepstakes | ||
Best Gold | … | Paul Varey |
Second Best | … | Phil Parr |
Third Best | … | John Smoult |
Most Golds | … | Noel Lawrence |
Second Most | … | Stephen Williams |
Third Most | … | Eric Tindall |
Also, we enjoyed the company of G Peake, P Harrison, Geoff Gaunt and the Clerk Roger Crees.
Minutes of the 1991 Meeting
Before the Ladies and guests had withdrawn the opportunity was taken by E Hardman, Chairman of the organising club to present a solid silver replica of the Scorton Arrow to Roger Crees in the company of all his friends to mark his 21st year as Secretary of the Society of Archers. This presentation was received with acclaim by all present.
The Captain called upon the Lieutenant to read the minutes of the 282nd meeting which were accepted and signed by the Captain. Matters arising: it was confirmed by the gentlemen that meetings of the Society would only be held within the boundaries of the Ridings of Yorkshire, as they existed before 1974 and as in 1673.
Apologies were received from George Penman whoi was in hospital to whom the Society’s best wishes in the form of a get well card would be sent. Also from Peter Liley and Alan Flanagan.
News from the Clerk: P.M. The Queen’s gracious reply to the Society’s loyal message. Prince Andrew had declined to accept the Patronage of the Society due to the pressure of his Naval duties. The Clerk reported with regret the death of Bill Wales, Captain 1961. Following discussion it was decided to purchase a new stock of wire bridges. A gift of a set of photographs of the Society Trophies from Frank Newbould was warmly received, also the very generous gift of an ingot of silver from which a replica of the arrow would be made.
Accounts: The Clerk reported the balance in the Reserve Fund stood at £1095.54 including interest. Permission was given to withdraw £140 of the interest to reuce the outgoings on the writing-up of the minutes. The administration account was in debt to the Clerk £175.
The Clerk closed the meeting at 2-55pm.