Tournament Results 1988

The 280th Recorded Meeting in the 316th year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Adel, Leeds, Yorkshire
on the 21st day of May 1988

The Clerks Report

Be it recorded that on 21st May 1988 at Adel, Leeds, 112 Gentlemen assembled for the 280th Recorded Meeting in the 316th year of the Society.

After being called by the Lieutenants’ Bugle, the Gentlemen were welcomed by the Captain and then a period of shooting for two hours followed. There were 59 longbowmen present.

The first item of note was the winning of the Bugle by Stephen Williams followed shortly by the first inner Gold by Pete Davies, who became the Captain for the ensuing year.

There followed luncheon and the business of the Society. After a further two hours shooting, tea was served and the Trophies presented by the Captain’s Lady.

For the Poor of the Parish £28.35.

The venue for next years Meeting: Scorton, by the very kind invitation of the Company of Scorton Archers.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowPeter Davies
Lieutenant of the ArrowStephen Williams
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteFlint Hall
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowDon Ellis
The Alain Holt Ladle for Highest Score, LongbowJ Geldard
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScorePeter Davies
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsStephen Williams
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldNoel Lawrence
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersStephen Williams
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScorePeter Davies
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingNoel Lawrence
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldPeter Davies
Second BestNoel Lawrence
Third BestRoger Greaves
Most GoldsBrian Patterson
Second MostJohn Raby
Third MostJ Seddon, P Davies, A Iddison


Retired: J J G Odd, C Marlock, E Green, J G Odd, B A Lockwood, J Hogan, F Edmondson, L Broughton, T Hand and the Clerk.

Minutes of the 1988 Meeting

The Lieutenant read the Minutes of the 279th Meeting which were accepted and signed by the Captain. There were no matters arising.

The Clerk recorded eleven apologies and, in correspondence, advised that an acknowledgment had been received from the Queen’s private secretary, for the Loyal message. Gentlemen were invited to assist Mrs Julia Smith, who was writing a book on the Society of Archers. Assistance was requested in preparing a detailed photographic record of all trophies and property.

The establishment of a Reserve Fund was confirmed and a committee of management was agreed as the last four Captains and the Clerk. An annual report to be given and all funds received to be invested with only the interest to be used. There would be no sponsorship allowed but all members were invited to seek contributions.

The practice of smoking before the Loyal Toast was deplored and a suggestion that the age of admission to the Society be reduced from 21 to 18 was heavily defeated.

The Captain closed the Meeting at 3.20.

The Antient Silver Arrow