Tournament Results 1980

The 272nd Recorded Meeting in the 308th year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Scarborough
on the 31st day of May 1980

The Clerks Report

Be it recorded that on 31st May 1980 in the 308th year of the Society the 272nd recorded meeting took place in the grounds of Bramcote School in Scarborough. Eighty one gentlemen assembled, thus equalling the largest gathering in 1977. Be it further recorded the meeting was opened by the gallant Jack Flinton who then handed over to Mr John Odd. Shooting first, Mr Geoffrey Lightfoot hit the Red, thus becoming Lieutenant for 1980. Following, and with his very first arrow, Mr Gordon Foster pierced the Inner Gold to become Captain.

After two hours shooting, luncheon was taken, followed by the Annual Meeting. The afternoon’s shooting was curtailed by the deteriorating weather, and terminated at half past four.

The Society was honoured by the presence of the Mayor and Mayoress of Scarborough.

For the Parish Poor – £16


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowG Foster
Lieutenant of the ArrowG Lightfoot
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteT Thornbury
The Ben Hird Sword for most Hits, LongbowC Reid
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreP liley
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsR Greaves
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldF Lister
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersB Patterson
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreR Greaves
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingF Lister
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldF Lister
Second BestJ Percival
Third BestL McConnell
Most GoldsP Liley
Second MostP Davies
Third MostD Walsh


Minutes of the 1980 Meeting

The Loyal Toast was proposed by the Captain of the Arrow, followed by toasts to the Arrow, enjoined with the name of the Captain Elect and the Lieutenant Elect.

Minutes of the 271st Meeting were read, confirmed and signed by the Captain.

Matters arising – the Clerk reported that silver plates had been obtained, engraved and fastened to the Carrying Box for the Ben Hird Trophy, and these had been purchased for the sum of £12. At this point Mr Alain Holt rose to confirm his and Mr George Stockham’s offer to provide the plates. The Society accepted this generosity with acclamation.

The Clerk reported further that the balance at the Bank remained at £15.22.

Correspondence – Apologies were received from Messrs Sam Henderson, Robert Hardy, Bill Alexander and Bill Harris. Her Majesty the Queen expressed appreciation at the telegram of loyal greeting that was sent.

The Sixpence – no longer to be legal tender, it was decided after much debate that, to maintain tradition, the Shilling should replace the Sixpence and that two shillings be awarded for golds.

Any other business – Thanks were expressed to Mr Jack Percival, and the Scarborough Archers, whose badge is shown herein, for their sterling work. It was agreed that Blue and Silver could quite properly be worn in matters of this Society. And a bowl, c.1820 was offered for presentation, by Mr Alain Holt.

There being no further business, the Gentlemen then repaired to the butts.

In Memoriam
The Sixpence, in the service of the Society. 14/5/1673 – 31/5/1980

The Antient Silver Arrow