The 270th Recorded Meeting in the 306th year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Bingley
on the 27th day of May 1978
The Clerks Report
It is hereby recorded that on the 27th day of May 1978, the 270th Recorded Meeting in the 306th year of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow was held at Nab Wood Sports Centre, Bingley, when 65 Archers assembled to compete for the Antient Silver Arrow and other trophies.
Lots having been drawn for order of shooting, the Lieutenant sounded the Bugle at 15 minutes before the hour of eleven. Thus it was that shooting commenced on a warm, still morning, led in customary manner by the Captain and Lieutenant.
The First Item of Note was the piercing of the Red most centrally by the Captain, Mr E Chattaway, in the first end, and he did thereby become the Lieutenant and holder of the Silver Bugle for the ensuing year.
The second Item of Note was the piercing of the black spot within the inner gold in the third end by Dr S H Brock, who thus became the Captain elect and holder of the Silver Arrow for the ensuing year.
Shooting for the other trophies continued under near perfect conditions until lunchtime, when an excellent meal, and wine, was taken at the Bankfield Hotel.
Money collected on the field from those Archers proved to be cursing or swearing, amounted to £4.60 which was given to the priest for distribution to the poor of the parish.
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | Dr S H Brock |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | E Chattaway |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | R Pointing |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | G Stockham |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | E Cervi |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | H M Gray |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | P liley |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | G Stockham |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | H M Gray |
The Sweepstakes | ||
Best Gold | … | G Stockham |
Second Best | … | H M Gray |
Third Best | … | Alain Holt |
Most Golds | … | C R Johnson |
Second Most | … | C R Abbott |
Third Most | … | E Cervi |
The following entered but did not shoot:
F Benson, D Easton, E Mallett, F Manning, J Pitman, P Cockle, D Fitzgerald, A W Wales
The Judge was Mr G Brooksbank
Minutes of the 1978 Meeting
Be it remembered that, at the conclusion of lunch, the Captain proposed the Loyal Toast, following which those who had not stood in a bow with the Captain that day were requested to withdraw. The Captain thereupon proposed the toast to the Society and the Captain elect.
Be it further remembered that, having been read by the Lieutenant, the Minutes of the 269th Recorded Meeting of the Society were confirmed and duly signed by the retiring Captain. Arising from the Minutes, it was confirmed that the use of crossbows and compound bows in the meeting would not be permitted.
It was noted with pleasure that the Society Flag had been donated to the Society by a Gentleman who wished to remain anonymous.
The meeting expressed further appreciation when it was announced by the Captain that the Past Captain, Bob Bayston, had made a 35mm record of the Books, Records and Documents of the Society.
A letter from Alain Holt regarding a form of dress for the Society was read and a discussion on this matter ensued. Many various views were expressed, and it was resolved that samples of ties, cravats and a sash should be obtained for the gentlemen’s consideration.
It was noted with regret that HRH The Prince of Wales had not been able to accept the invitation to become patron of the Society, and it was resolved that no man else be approached.
It was further noted with regret that the death had taken place of Past Captains Ron Shiels and Binkie Todd, both staunch supporters of the Society.
Following discussion on the subject of a trophy for longbowmen, it was resolved that a trophy be added to the Society’s list as a memorial to Ben Hird, this trophy to be awarded to the longbowmen with the most hits on the scoring surface of the target.
Be it noted that Mr Alain Holt and Mr George Stockham offered to present such a trophy, which offer being received with acclamation. Gentlemen presented details of the accounts of the Society, the balance in hand being £15.99. The accounts were accepted by the Gentlemen and, there being no further business, the Retiring Captain closed the meeting at 3.22pm. The Company returned to the butts and shooting was resumed for two hours in excellent weather.
Be it ever remembered that, the trophies were gracefully presented by the Captain’s Lady, Miss B A Morris, and so concluded a most enjoyable meeting.