Tournament Results 1977

The 269th Recorded Meeting in the 305th year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Sproatley, Yorkshire
on the 21st day of May 1977

The Clerks Report

Eighty Gentlemen (a new record entry) assembled before the facade of Burton Constable Hall at Sproatley – by kind permission of John Chichester Constable, 46th Lord Paramount of the Seigniory of Holderness – on the 21st day of May 1977, in order to compete against each other and a capricious NNE wind for the trophies of the Society of Archers.

Let it be remembered that against established practice, the Captain and the Lieutenant, Mr Paul Sugden were prevailed upon to accept Jubilee Silver Crowns in payment for the return of their trophies.

Winding of the Silver Bugle preceded the morning’s shoot… The First item of note: in the first end, saw the Judge, Mr G Brooksbank, measuring the reds before David Craggs was acclaimed Lieutenant-designate. Similarly, in the fifth end, also after measuring.. the second item of note: Eddy Chattaway was acclaimed Captain-designate.

Luncheon, taken in the Riding School, was followed by an animated Annual General Meeting of the Society: which amongst other items of business recorded, the recent inspection of the Society’s Trophies and Records, including the original Parchment from 1673, upon the Green at Scorton by Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother.

A light-hearted two hours shooting in the afternoon session, after the mid-day break followed by an abundant buffet tea (prepared by the Ladies of the host and local clubs), rounded out a very enjoyable day’s competition.

The Captain’s Lady, Mrs Esme Bayston, then presented the prizes to close the 269th meeting in this 305th recorded year of the Society.

This was the first appearance of the competition in the East Riding!

From the use of oaths upon the field, to the use of the poor of the Parish of Sproatley, through John Chichester Constable to the Father, £5.20.

Be it remembered forever …

That on the twelfth day of May in this Silver Jubilee Year of 1977
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother
did inspect the Trophies, the Original Parchment, the Records, and met representative members of the Society of Archers upon the Green in the village of Scorton within two days of the 305th Anniversary of the original shooting for the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow in 1673.

This event took place in the presence of representatives of the Company of Scorton Archers and the Ascham Society and was the occasion of the introduction of the Ascham Silver Arrow intended for similar competition for Lady Archers to that for the Antient Silver Arrow.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowEddy Chattaway
Lieutenant of the ArrowDavid Craggs
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteW Greenhill
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreE Cervi
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsR Windas
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldR Lister
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersE Cervi
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreR Windas
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingF Lister
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldF Lister
Second BestL A Broughton
Third BestC A Johnson
Most GoldsD Goodfellow
Second MostE Cervi
Third MostR Windas


80John Chichester Constable
46th Lord Paramount of
the Seigniory of Holderness
Our Host and special guest who Gentlemanly and Sportingly entered a token round to take part in the Spirit of the Scorton Competition but did not compete as such

Messrs: S Hames; R Hemming; S M Mendelsohn; C D Reid; T Watson; and J S Wedgewood;
entered but did not arrive to shoot.

Minutes of the 1977 Meeting

Following the Loyal Toast and the reading of the reply from the Personal Secretary to Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth to our telegraphed loyal greetings upon the occasion of the Silver Jubilee… the

Annual General Meeting commenced with…

Toasts: to the Captain-designate by the Captain; and to the Arrow and the Society by John Chichester-Constable in his capacity as a guest.

The Minutes of the Last meeting were read, confirmed and signed as a true record.

Apologies for absence were noted from Messrs A Neal and C Abbott.

Correspondence: from the Duke of Edinborough, regretting his become Patron of the Society; from the President of the United States in reply to our earlier Bicentenial Greetings; from R Hardy, regretting his enforced absence; and from both the Personal Secretary to the Queen Mother and the Lord Lieutenant of the North Riding pertinent to the inspection of the Society’s Trophies at Scorton on the 12th May, last, including the recording of the introduction of the Asscham Arrow (intending for similar competition to that of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow but for Ladies). This subject allowed the clerk the opportunity to raise the matter of the provision of a hand rail at the steps to the Scorton Green – the gentlemen unanimously agreed to defray the cost from funds.

The Clerk’s Report: covered the accounts, including reference to the fact that the Society’s Flag had not been paid for by the Society – which after agreement to that payment from funds was overtaken by, an offer from a member who preferred to remain unnamed, which the gentlemen accepted with the unanimous decision that the generous action be recorded. Comment was made upon the items available to members from the ‘shop’.

The Captain: commented upon possible embarrassment to future Captains arising out of late entries, and requested strict observance of the ‘fortnight before’ dead-line; was granted the singular waiving of the ‘No photographs in the Records’ decision of 1932 specifically for the occasion of the Queen Mother’s Scorton visit: and annonced the existance of a full 35mm reversal-film copy of the five Record Books – which will ultimately devolve to the Society (or to the Northalleryon Archives in lieu).

In Any Other Business: Lively discussion followed by resolution to submit a proposition ‘That compound bows and the continued use of appurtenances on other bows, being against the traditional spirit of the ‘Scorton’, should not be acceptable at these competitions’ to the 1978 meeting (after notification in the British Archer in company with the Notice of Meeting), opened this part of the AGM. Attempts to continue the discussion after the resolution was halted by a Point of Order from the floor. The subject of the availability of sixpenny pieces was again aired, but reached no definiate conclusion.

Votes of thanks were accorded to : The Clerk to the Captains; The Captain; the luncheon Waitresses (in their first ever large venture) these accompanied by generous gratuities; and, to Past Captain, Frank Newbould in his Photographer role.

It was resolved that this occasion be recorded as a good meeting.

The Meeting closed at 15.25.

The Antient Silver Arrow