The 267th Recorded Meeting in the 303rd year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Scorton Grammar School, Scorton, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 31st day of May 1975
The Clerks Report
Forty seven archers assembled to compete for the Scorton Silver Arrow and other Trophies. The Captain requested the company to observe a minutes silence in Memory of the late Lieutenant Ron Hill.
The company then assembled on the shooting line heralded by the sound of Lieutenant’s Bugle blown by Mr David Aikin at the request of Mrs Hill.
The Captain Bill Alexander then loosed the first arrow and shooting comenced. Fine weather was enjoyed with a fresh North Westerly wind.
The first notable arrow was the piercing of the Red by Mr Frank Lister who thus became the new Lieutenant. The first arrow to pierce the Inner Gold was shot by Mr David Aitkin who thus became the Catain Elect.
Shooting the continued for a period of two hours after which the Captain and Gentlemen retired to take luncheon in the Scorton Village Hall and to hold the 267th recorded Meeting of the Society.
After the meeting, shooting continued for a further two hours where after the Gentlemen assembled for tea and presentation of the Ancient Scorton Silver Arrow and other awards by the Captain’s Lady – Betty Alexander. The Captain in addressing the Gentlemen and their guests thanked the Lady scorers, the helpers in the hall, Les Dinsdale and the Company of Scorton Archers for their excellent work.
Appreciation was also expressed to Geoff Brooksbank and the Clerk to the Captains
Clerk to the Society.
To the poor of the Parish £1.14
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | David Aitkin |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | Frank Lister |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | G Broughton |
Highest Score Medal | … | H Gray |
Most Hits Medal | … | S Patterson |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | H Gray |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | David Aitkin |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | H B D Todd |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
Best Gold | … | H B D Todd |
Second Best | … | R barisdale |
Third Best | … | T White |
Most Golds | … | David Aitkin |
Second Most | … | J S Wedgewood |
Third Most | … | E Cervi & S Patterson |
S S Henderson – entered but did not shoot.
Minutes of the 1975 Meeting
1. Loyal Toast by Captain
2. Toast by Captain-Elect and Lieutenant-Elect by Captain
3. Minutes and Preamble of the 1974 Meeting. Clerk explained the circumstances in which Minutes come to be written and recorded in the Fifth Volume of the Society Records.
a. Dedication of Volume V to Ben Hird
b. Appreciation to Gavin Mercer for illustrating minutes and records of 1973 meeting.
c. Records of 1974 meeting in hand but not yet completed due to circumstances outside the control of the Society and Clerk.
d. It was proposed that the Presentation of Sashes – by past Captain Gordon Salmon be recorded – This was defeated.
e. The Clerk reported on 1974 Commemorative Badges. It was noted that 19 had been paid for in advance and that £20.00 had been withdrawn from the banking account for the 1974 Meeting for these badges.
f. The Clerk reported on the outstanding account for the transport of bosses paid for by Alec Vinter amounting to £15.00. The Gentlemen present agreed to subscribe 25p per head towards this outstanding debt. The sum of £12.06 was handed to the Clerk towards this debt. Mr Vinters indebtedness was – discharged in full by the Clerk.
g. The suggestion that we continue to press for Royal Recognition was received and agreed by acclaim. It was further agreed that a direct approach be made to HRH Prince Philip. The Clerk undertook this – responsibility.
The sum of £1.70 being collected from Gentlemen for swearing was handed to a Brother of the hospital of God.
The meeting was closed by the Captain at 2.55 p.m. and shooting continued shortly afterwards