Tournament Results 1974

The 266th Recorded Meeting in the 302nd year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Harrogate
on Saturday the 31st day of August 1974

The Clerks Report

Fifty gentlemen assembled to compete for the titles of Captain and Lieutenant of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow and other trophies and prizes.

In the absence of the lieutenant, Mr. Jack Flinton was invited to call the gentlemen to assembly by a note on the bugle.

Shooting commenced some thirty minutes late due to heavy mist and had to be abandoned before the two hours of shooting had been completed.

The first item of note was the piercing of the Inner Gold by Mr. William Alexander who was proclaimed Captain Elect.

Mr. Ron Hill shooting under a severe physical handicap was first to strike the Red and become the Lieutenant of the Arrow, a feat much applauded by the Gentlemen present.

After luncheon shooting continued in bright sunshine for a further two hours.

The Gentlemen had the pleasure of the Mayor and Mayoress of Harrogate and Mrs. Lawrence, Principal of the Harrogate College and Captain’s Lady, at tea and the presentation of prizes.

To the poor of the Parish of St Wilfred’s Harrogate £2.14.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowBill Alexander
Lieutenant of the ArrowRon Hill
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteRon Shiel
Highest ScoreE Chattaway
Highest HitsE Cervi
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreE Chattaway
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsE Cervi
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldBill Greenhill
The Subscription Trophies
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingBill Greenhill
2nd GoldR Barisdale
3rd GoldF White
The Sweepstakes
Best GoldBill Greenhill
Second BestR Barisdale
Third BestT White
Most GoldsT White
Second MostE Chattaway
Third MostBill Greenhill


We also had the pleasure of the company of D H Dennison, S S Henderson, J E Woodhead

Minutes of the 1974 Meeting

Apologies received from Mr Bear (USA), Bill Wales and Sam Henderson.

The minutes of the 265th Recorded meeting were read; confirmed by the Gentlemen present and signed by the Captain as true record.

Arising:There were no matters arising.

Correspondence: The Clerk announced that a telegram of Loyalty had been sent to her Majesty the Queen. The reply of the Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire, stating that the Society was too loose in its formation to be recommended to the Queen for Royal recognition was received with regret. The Captain of the Arrow suggested that the Society continue to press this matter.

The Captain Elect Mr Bill Alexander said that he was proud to have Ron Hill as his Lieutenant and expressed thanks to the Captain for his hard work in organising the 1974 meeting.

The Captain gave a detailed summary of the costs incurred in mounting the 1974 meeting and after a discussion the Gentlemen present agreed to an additional per capita contribution to expenses of £3.00.

The Society expressed warm thanks to Harrogate Corporation for their generosity in providing the tea meal for the meeting.

It was announced that Scorton would be the venue for the 1975 meeting.

A vote of thanks was proposed to Gordon Salmon for his work in arranging the 1974 meeting.

The Antient Silver Arrow