Tournament Results 1973

The 265th Recorded Meeting in the 301st year of
The Society of Archers
was held at Adel, Leeds, West Yorkshire
on the 2nd day of June 1973

A Tribute to Ben Hird

This the fifth volume of the Society of Archers is affectionately dedicated to Ben Hird who on the Seventeenth day of August 1900 won the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow at Settle, Yorkshire and was shooting in the Contest up until 1972.

1881 to 1973
The Clerks Report

This the 265th recorded meeting in the 301st year held at Adel Leeds was heralded by the sound of the Lieutenant’s bugle.

61 Archers assembled to compete for the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow and other Trophies. The Captain Ron Hill and Lieutenant then loosed their Arrows followed by the assembled Company of Archers. Fine weather was enjoyed except for a few short lived showers.

The first Arrow to pierce the Inner Gold was that of Mr Gordon Salmon loosing his first Arrow of his first end and thus became the New Captain-Elect of this the 300th Anniversary Tournament. The next arrow to pierce the Red was that of Mr J C Braddley who thus became the new Lieutenant.

Shooting continued for a period of 2 hours after which the Captain and Gentlemen retired to take luncheon and to hold the 265th recorded meeting of the Society.

Shooting continued for a further period of 2 hours whereafter the Gentlemen again assembled for tea and the prize giving.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowGordon Salmon
Lieutenant of the ArrowJohn Braddley
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteStan Patterson
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreDerek Holt
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsC Sykes
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldGordon Salmon
Subscription Prizes
Best GoldC Sykes
Second BestK Lowe
Third BestJohn Braddley
Most GoldsE Cervi
Second MostP G Walsh
Third MostT McGregor


The following Gentlemen entered but did not shoot:
D Aikin, L Bolam, S E Crisp, S S Henderson, A A Holt and J A Smith

Minutes of the 1973 Meeting

The Meeting opened with the Gentlemen of the Society standing in a minutes silence as a tribute by past Captain Bill Wales to Ben Hird who died on 5th April 1973 in his 91st year.

The Minutes of the 264th Recorded Meeting were read by the Lieutenant Garth Barstow, agreed and signed by the Captain Ron Hill as a true record, subject to the correction that the words “Lady Paramount” be changed to read “The Captain’s Lady”.

Matters Arising: Metal Badge, Frank Newbould reported that the badges had been made and were in the course of post but most unfortunately had not arrived. These would be sent to Competitors and Scorers by Frank Newbould.

Royal Patronage: The Clerk reported on correspondence with the Lord Lieutenant of the West Riding of Yorkshire who regarded the Society as “too loose” an organisation to be recommended for Royal Patronage. The Members expressed their disapproval of this decision.

Correspondence: The Clerk to the Captain’s dealt with the following, the Clerk reported that a telegram had been sent to Her Majesty the Queen conveying the greeting of the Society, meeting for the 300th anniversary on the occasion of Her Majesty’s Official Birthday.

A letter from the British Olympic Association in which it was stated that in the opinion of the Secretary of B.O.A. participation in the Scorton Arrow Contest would debar competitors from being considered for the Olympic Games. It was suggested that the Society adjust its rules to avoid this problem. Members of the Society treated this suggestion with the contempt it deserved.

A prize table cloth, most handsomely worked in embroidery, by Mrs Marjorie McCree was presented to the Society by the Clerk on behalf of Mrs McCree who wished it to become the property of the Society to mark the 300th anniversary. A most warm vote of thanks was expressed by the Gentlemen present.

Correspondence from His Grace the Archbishop of York to the Prime Minister and from Mr Robert Hardy was dealt with by the Clerk.

Tribute to Ben Hird: The Clerk reported that the consensus of opinions regarding the form in which we should remember Ben Hird should take the form of a suitable illuminated tribute on the first page of the new Volume of Records of meetings which would be used for the first time for the 1974 meeting. This was unanimously agreed. The wording of the tribute would be the responsibility of the Captain’s in Council.

Records Casket: The Society learned that a handsome wooden casket had been presented by the Captain of the Arrow, Ron Hill, for the storage of past Volumes of Records. The gentlemen present expressed their thanks to Ron Hill for his generous gift.

Age of Entry: Mr George Thorley proposed that the age of entry be reduced from 21 to 18. After a discussion the gentlemen took a vote which defeated the motion by 40 votes to 13 with one abstention.

Address by the Captain Elect: Mr Gordon Salmon announced that the 1974 meeting would be in Harrogate and that the date would be decided after consultation with officials of the Borough of Harrogate.

The Captain Elect paid tribute to Ron Hill and expressed the wishes of the Society for an early return to full health. Thanks were also offered to the Ladies for the scoring and to David Aikin and the Bowmen of Adel for their hard work in putting on the shoot.

Closure of Meeting: The meeting closed at 2.45pm.

To the Poor of the Parish of Adel £2.14.6

The Antient Silver Arrow