Tournament Results 1971

The 263rd Recorded Meeting in the 299th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Huddersfield, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 5th day of June 1971

Huddersfield 5th June 1971

At Huddersfield on the 5th June 1971, 53 Archers assembled at the Fartown Cricket and Athletic Ground for the 263rd meeting in the 299th recorded year of the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow.

The Lieutenant sounded a note on the bugle and shooting began, the honour of shooting the first arrow being given to Mr Ben Hird, followed by the Captain and Lieutenant.

At the first end, the Red was pierced by several arrows, the most central by Mr J A Smith to win the Lieutenancy. The Inner Gold was first pierced by Mr Martin Seeber with his 13th arrow to win the Captaincy.

Shooting continued until lunch in dull, very cold weather with a light cross-wind. Lunch was taken in the Pavilion, after which the Loyal toast and the toast to the Captain designate were proposed by the retiring Captain. The retiring Lieutenant then proposed the toast to the new Lieutenant, and opened the Annual General Meeting by reading the Minutes of the previous meeting, which were accepted by the Gentlemen and signed by the Captain.

Discussions relating to the validity of the agreed minute for the location of the Tercentenery Shoot were terminated by the new Captain’s choice of Scorton for the 1972 meeting. The original rules were also quoted in that anyone with a bow and two arrows can take part in the shoot. Restriction of entry might be required because of the capacity at Scorton, but this should be at the Captain’s discretion.

The proposed dates for the 1972 meeting were the 27th or 13th May, subject to change in the event of obtaining Royal Patronage.

Major R M Crees reported on writing to the three Lord Lieutenants of the County, the Marquis of Normandy, and of efforts to obtain the issue of a commemorative stamp. Mr F Newbould is drawing up designs for a brooch or badge and brochure for submission to the Captains’ Committee for approval.

Mr Gordon Salmon, a visitor from Florida, proposes to arrange for publicity for the Tercentenery shoot in both Canada and the U.S.A.

Mr David Aikin volunteered to carry on the work of Mr Fred Wells in keeping a stock of badges for Captains and Lieutenants, and he was duly thanked by the Company for this assistance.

At the close of the meeting the assembled Gentlemen made a contribution toward the Tercentenary Fund of twenty six pounds and twenty seven new pence.

Shooting was thereafter resumed for two hours, tea was taken in the pavilion and prizes were presented by the Captain’s Lady, Mrs B A Lockwood.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowM Seeber
Lieutenant of the ArrowJ A Smith
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteA Barnsdale
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreR M White
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsG H Barstow
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldR Hill
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersR M White
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreG H Barstow
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingR Hill
Competition JudgeG Brooksbank


The retiring Captain, in closing the shoot, expressed the good wishes of all for the 90th birthday of Ben Hird; recorded, with regret the passing of Fred Wells, a staunch supporter of the Scorton for many years; and thanked Mr G Brooksbank, the Field Captain and Judge, and the following Ladies for scoring – Mesdames E Booth, H Farrar, R Lockwood, M Sykes, M Thomas and Miss D Veszeli.

Monies collected on the Shooting Line from those gentlemen proved to be cursing and swearing amounted to 75 new pence and was given to the Church for distribution to the Poor of the Parish.

The Captain was thanked for a successful and enjoyable meeting.

The Antient Silver Arrow