Tournament Results 1970

The 262nd Recorded Meeting in the 298th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Adel, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 4th day of July 1970

Adel 4th July 1970

On the fourth of July in the year of our Lord nineteen hundred and seventy, a number of archers assembled at Adel Memorial Hall to compete for the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow. The Lieutenant sounded a blast on the horn at eleven in the morning and shooting commenced with the Captain and Lieutenant shooting first as is their privilege. Skies were overcast and a strong crosswind prevailed making shooting very difficult.

In the first end the Red was successfully pierced by a number of archers, the best arrow being shot by Mr C Taylor, who thereby obtained the Lieutenancy for the ensuing year.

Shooting then continued, the Captaincy being claimed by Mr B A Lockwood of the Valley Bowmen of Huddersfield who, with his nineteenth arrow, became the first to pierce the inner black spot.

At one’o’clock shooting was adjourned for lunch, which was held in the Adel Memorial Hall. After an enjoyable meal, the Captain proposed a toast to the Queen, followed by a toast to the Captain elect. The retiring Lieutenant, Mr T Hampson, proposed a toast to his successor, and then proceeded to read the minutes of the last meeting which were approved by the gentlemen present and duly signed by the retiring Captain, Mr D Aikin.

During the meeting that followed, several proposals were put forward. Mr A Wales moved that except within the Captain’s discretion, all entries for the tercentenary year be reserved to past competitors. This was seconded by Mr K Bloor and was carried unanimously.

Mr W L Kellie proposed that the age limit be reduced to eighteen and was seconded by Mr G A Barstow, but this was defeated by thirty-two votes to eleven.

Major R M Crees gave a summary of his efforts to obtain Royal patronage for the Tercentenary year. He advised that due to having to arrange matters in good time it would be better if the meeting place for 1972 was decided now.

Two places were then proposed; Scorton – by Mr W J Alexander, seconded by Mr A W Wales: and the Knavesmire, York – by Mr H B D Todd, seconded by Mr A A Holt. The Company voted for Scorton with an overwhelming majority of forty-two.

Mr A A Holt proposed a vote of thanks to Major R M Crees, seconded by Mr S S Henderson. The Judge, Mr F Wells, on behalf of the Company, congratulated Mr Ben Hird on reaching his eighty-ninth year, and wished him continued good health.

The meeting was then closed and the Company returned to the butts to enjoy a further two hours shooting under slightly improved weather conditions.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowB A Lockwood
Lieutenant of the ArrowC Taylor
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteK D Low
Medal for most Hits, Longbow
Highest Score, Longbow
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreP G Walsh
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsR Hill
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldJ Denby
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersP G Walsh
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreJ S Wedgewood
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingJ Denby
Competition JudgeF Wells


The following did not shoot….. S S Henderson, G Drake, G Burnett, D Carter.

The retiring Captain informed the Company that money collected on the field, and donations from prizewinners for the Tercentenary year amounted to twenty one pounds ten shillings. He also announced that ten shillings had been collected from Archers proved to be cursing and would be given to the Rector of Adel church for distribution to the poor of the parish. He then thanked everyone concerned for attending, and said he hoped they had all enjoyed themselves.

The Antient Silver Arrow