The 260th Recorded Meeting in the 296th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Scorton, Yorkshire
on Satuday the 1st day of June 1968
Scorton 1st June 1968
It is hereby recorded that on the first day of June 1968, fifty two gentlemen assembled on the Grammar School Fields, Scorton, to compete for the Antient Scorton Arrow and other trophies. Persuant to custom lots were drawn for the order of shooting.
Persuant to custom the Lieutenant sounded his horn to start the meeting at eleven five. Weather conditions were sunny with a cross wind.
The first item to note was that with his second arrow Mr A E Kiddy did pierce the red, thus becoming the Lieutenant of the arrow for the ensuing year.
The second item to note that on the eighth end Mr D Theaker did pierce the Inner Gold, thus becoming Captain of the arrow. Both archers were congratulated by the immediate lieutenant
Mr G Pearson. Mr Kiddy also congratulated Mr Theaker.
Shooting continued for the customary two hours in bright sunshine with a fresh cross wind after which lunch was taken by the Company in the Village Hall on Scorton Green.
Be it noted that at the conclusion of the lunch the retiring Captain proposed the Loyal Toast.
Mr Jack Flinton, Judge for the meeting, proposed a toast to the Society of the Antient Scorton Arrow. Mr Kiddy proposed a toast to the Captain Designate.
The minutes of the last meeting were read, confirmed and duly signed.
The Captain asked for propositions and the following items were put forward and duly seconded.
Mr S S Henderson proposed having a voluntary collection at this and every meeting up to the tri-centenery meeting to build up a fund for the 300th year – carried unanimously.
Mr R Batty proposed that some money be put aside for the purchase of a new Minute Book, after discussion it was passed to merge this with the tri-centenery fund.
Proposed by Mr Crees that the Society apply for Royal recognition for the tri-centenary meeting.
Proposed by Mr F Newbould that a society of past captains be formed to carry on the work of organising a meeting should the Captain and Lieutenant be unable to do so.
Proposed by Mr S S Henderson that past captains be responsible for fund raising and also the application for Royal recognition for the 300th meeting.
Mr R Batty read a letter from the secretary of the Ilkley Arrow requesting to borrow the dye for the rose on the Captain & Lieutenant Pin with a view to producing its own slightly altered pin. A vote was taken on this request but the members voted against 27 – 19.
A matter was raised by Mr G Undy as to the definition of a Yorkshireman. Many felt that birth qualification was the only true qualification. It was then pointed out that the notes for Guidance for Competitors states that archers born or resident in Yorkshire are eligible to compete for Thirsk Bowmen Insignia. No action was taken on this point at this time.
The Captain proposed a hearty vote of thanks to Mr Dinsdale and his committee and all members of the Company of Scorton Archers for making the meeting such a success – carried with applause.
There being no other business the archers returned to the butts for a further two hours pleasant shooting in good weather.
Be it remembered that the trophies were gracefully presented by Mrs Joyce Kiddy the Captain’s Lady.
Thus a most enjoyable meeting was concluded, here follows the prize winners.
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | D Theaker |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | A E Kiddy |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | C Taylor |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | T R Caygill |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | R M White |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | D Adams |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | T R Caygill |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | G Undy |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | D Adams |
Competition Judge | … | J Flinton |