Tournament Results 1965

The 257th Recorded Meeting in the 293rd year of
The Society of Archers
held at Harrogate, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 26th day of June 1965

Harrogate 26th June 1965

On the twenty-sixth day of June, nineteen hundred and sixty-five, thirty-seven Archers assembled on the West Park Stray, Harrogate, to compete for The Ancient Scorton Silver Arrow and other prizes.

Shooting began at ten fifty-five in the morning in rather inclement conditions after a pre-shoot discourse on the rules of the meeting from the field captain Mr J Flinton.

With his first Arrow, Mr A E Kiddy pierced the Inner Gold; also in the first end Mr J Woodhead pierced the Inner Gold. Mr Kiddy’s arrow was judged nearer the centre, thus becoming Captain Designate of the Arrow.

In the second end, Mr W Alexander pierced the Red, therefore, he became Lieutenant of the Arrow.

Both gentlemen were congratulated by the immediate Captain and Lieutenant, Mr J Crockett and Mr W Marshall respectively.

Shooting continued for the customary two hours in very windy and sometimes wet conditions, during which time, four dozen arrows were shot. At 12.55pm the Company adjourned to the West Park Hotel for a well-earned lunch.

After lunch the Annual General Meeting was commenced and below follows the minutes of the meeting:-

1 The immediate Lieutenant, Mr W Marshall, read the minutes of the 1964 A.G.M. and these were accepted as a true record and were duly signed by the immediate Captain Mr J Crockett.

2 Mr J Flinton proposed that any archer caught cheating on the line should be sent from the field and his name recorded in the minutes to ensure that he could never shoot again. Also any monies won by such a person should be forfeited. This proposal was seconded by Mr A W Wales and carried.

Mr Flinton proposed a toast to the Society of the Ancient Arrow.

Mr Crockett proposed a toast to the Captain Designate, congratulating him on his success and wishing him luck.

Mr Alexander toasted the past Captain and his Lieutenant, whereupon Mr Smith, the immediate past Captain, laughingly reminded the Company that, in fact, this was his duty.

Mr A W Wales proposed a toast to all the organisers and helpers behind the scenes who had contributed to the success of the shoot.

Mr Sam Henderson proposed a very popular toast to Mr Ben Hird, ‘The grand old man of archery’, who replied that he hoped to be at the meeting again next year.

Here the meeting was concluded and the company returned to the field for the customary further two hours. The weather proved a little better during the afternoon although the wind remained very strong.

After the shoot the company again adjourned to the West Park Hotel for a buffet tea provided by the Harrogate Council, before the prize-giving as follows.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowA Kiddy
Lieutenant of the ArrowW Alexander
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteB Bushell
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreD Harkness
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsR Crees
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldA Todd
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersK L White
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreD Harkness
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingH Todd
Competition Judge


After the prize giving the Deputy Mayor of Harrogate spoke briefly to the company, saying that he had enjoyed the prize giving and expressing the sentiment that Harrogate was always open for the Scorton Arrow Meeting.

The meeting was concluded when the past Captain, Mr J Crockett, expressed his thanks to all those who had helped to make the competition so successful.

The Antient Silver Arrow