Tournament Results 1963

The 255th Recorded Meeting in the 291st year of
The Society of Archers
held at Abbeydale Park, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 25th day of May 1963

Abbeydale Park 25th May 1963

On the twenty-fifth day of May 1963, thirty-nine gentlemen did assemble at Abbeydale Park in Sheffield, on the ground of the Sheffield Amateur Sports Club to compete for the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow and other trophies, it being the two hundred and fifty-fifth competition and the two hundred and ninety-first recorded year, the weather being fine and warm, though a rather gusty wind was blowing.

The first item of note was that Mr L H Bellinger did with his first arrow pierce the red and thus became Lieutenant of the Arrow for the ensuing year.

The second item of note was that Mr S Smith did with his eighth arrow pierce the Inner Gold and thus became Captain of the Arrow for the ensuing year.

Shooting continued for the customary two hours before lunch, which was taken by the Company in the usual high spirits.

After lunch the Annual General Meeting was held with the retiring Captain acting as Chairman. The minutes of the 1962 meeting were read by the retiring Lieutenant and confirmed by the members and duly signed.

Mr W Wales, a Past Captain, proposed that his challenge, issued in 1962, to Britain’s Top Archers to bring their skills to the Scorton Arrow Competition, should be renewed and should be added to the advertisement in “The British Archer”. This proposal was passed unanimously by the meeting.

A proposal made by Mr D Harkness that Rule 24 should be changed to read – “Two arrows in the Gold (as distinct from the Inner Gold) but only once by any one Archer”. – was discussed by the members, but a counter-proposal by Major R M Crees, seconded by Mr W J Kirk, that Rule 24 should stand, was passed unanimously by the meeting.

The matter of a sixpenny forfeit for each arrow which did not hit the target was raised and discussed, but did not receive any support.

A proposal by the Chairman, Mr D M Holt seconded by Mr G H Barstow, that a sixpenny forfeit be paid if an arrow strikes any target but that one to which the Archer concerned is allotted, was accepted by the meeting.

The retiring Captain, in his address to the Company, commented upon the poor response to the Challenge to Britain’s Top Archers. He proposed a vote of thanks to Abbeydale Archers and the Sheffield Amateur Sports Club for the use of their facilities.

This concluded the business of the meeting & grateful thanks were accorded Mr J Flinton for his able control of the meeting, the Lady Scorers for an arduous task well done, and the Captain’s Lady for presenting the prizes, and for her untiring efforts as Steward of the Meeting.

Shooting continued after lunch for a further two hours, and a very happy and successful meeting was concluded.

Here follow the names of prize-winners & the score of all archers.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowS Smith
Lieutenant of the ArrowL Bellinger
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteJ Wiberg
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreD Gunson
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsL anetti
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldR Farrar
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersD Gunson
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreJ Woodhead
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingR Farrar
Competition JudgeJ Flinton


Entered but did not shoot:- S S Henderson, A A Holt, D M Thomson

The Antient Silver Arrow