Tournament Results 1959

The 251st Recorded Meeting in the 287th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Scorton, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 8th day of August 1959

Scorton 8th August 1959

Be it hereby recorded that on the eighth day of August in the year of our Lord, one thousand nine hundred and fifty nine, thirty seven archers assembled at the Village of Scorton for the second time in two hundred and eighty six years, to compete for the Antient Scorton Silver Arrow and other prizes, on the occasion of the Society’s two hundred and fifty first meeting.

Pursuant to custom lots were drawn for order of shooting and the Lieutenant’s Bugle started the shooting in sunshine and light breeze.

The first item of note was that the arrow of Mr J Walton ‘Cleveland Archers’ did pierce the Red thus becoming Lieutenant and holder of the Silver Bugle for the ensuing year.

The second item of note was that the third arrow of Mr F Berry ‘Norberry Bowmen’ did pierce the inner Gold thus becoming Captain and holder of the Silver Arrow for the ensuing year.

Shooting then continued for two hours after which an excellent lunch was partaken.

Be it remembered that at the conclusion of the luncheon the minutes of the last meeting were read, agreed and duly signed by the retiring Captain.

Be it remembered that votes of thanks were accorded to those persons whose help had made such a perfect meeting possible.

Be it remembered that three archers inadvertantly using oaths were duly fined a shilling and that the monies were paid over to the parish for the benefit of the poor.

Be it remembered that shooting did continue for a further two hours after which an excellent tea, kindly provided by the villagers of Scorton, was enjoyed and at the conclusion the Prizes were graciously presented by Mrs H Scully.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowF Berry
Lieutenant of the ArrowJ Walton
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteE R G Harris
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreJ Oldfield
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsM Robinson
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldF Berry
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersM O J Crook
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreJ Oldfield
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingM Robinson
Competition Judge


The Antient Silver Arrow