The 244th Recorded Meeting in the 280th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Harrogate, Yorkshire
on Saturday the 9th day of Augist 1952
Harrogate 9th August 1952
On Saturday, August 9th, sixty-six Archers competed at Harrogate for the Aunciente Scorton Silver Arrow. The weather was extremely wet, continuous heavy rain falling until lunch.
In the afternoon the sun shone, and the wind which had been blowing strongly during the morning, moderated and changed its direction.
Shooting began at eleven in the morning and at the third end, the red was hit by Mr John Phillips, who was acclaimed Lieutenant.
Shooting was continued for about half an hour until the inner gold was hit by Mr J Hayhurst who was acclaimed Captain-Elect. There was then a break in the shooting because of bad weather.
An excellent lunch was then enjoyed by all the competitors at the Prince of Wales Hotel. After lunch, shooting was resumed for two hours.
Mr Frank Petty acted as Judge, and Mrs Petty as Lady Paramount, graciously presenting the Trophies and cash prizes.
The Scorton Trophies | ||
Captain of the Arrow | … | J H Hayhurst |
Lieutenant of the Arrow | … | J W Phillips |
The Horn Spoon for Worst White | … | J F Waterhouse |
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen | ||
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest Score | … | F Newbould |
The Thirsk Bugle for most Hits | … | G G Ellison |
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best Gold | … | C Robson |
The Subscription Trophies | ||
The Gold Medal for the Captain of Numbers | … | F Newbould |
The Gold Medal for the Highest Score | … | J B Kiers |
The Phillips Cup for the Best Gold of the Meeting | … | C H batty |
Competition Judge | … | F Petty |