Tournament Results 1947

The 239th Recorded Meeting in the 275th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Slaidburn, Yorkshire
on the 23rd day of August 1947

Picture Copyright 1947 (47-6343) of the Sunday Express, Gt Ancoats Stret, Manchester 4
and inscribed on the reverse:
“This is a ‘posed’ picture. Of course we never drawn all together like this. Some of the Archers haven’t even got an arrow. We had already shot them”.

Slaidburn 23rd August 1947

It is hereby recorded that on the twenty-third day of August in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and forty-seven was held the 239th meeting; this being in the 275th recorded year of the Society.

By most kind invitation and favour of Lieutenant-Colonel C S King-Wilkinson TD, the venue was an excellent and commodious ground in surroundings of great beauty near the village of Slaidburn in the County of York. Still air and continuous sunshine provided conditions perfect for the practice of Archery.

Lots for order of precedence at the targets having been drawn, commencement of the shooting was signalled by Captain John Yates at eleven hours in the forenoon and was continued for two hours before luncheon and for two hours thereafter, in accordance with custom, during which time thirteen and one third dozen Arrows were shot at five score yards.

The first item of note was the piercing of the gold with his first shaft at the second end by Mr Arthur G Banks of the Ilkley Archers who thereby won the Antient Scorton Arrow and Captain’s Medal and became Captain Elect for the ensuing year.

The second item of note was the piercing of the red with his second shaft at the third end by Mr John Flinton of the Royal Toxophilite Society, who thereby won the Silver Bugle and became Lieutenant Elect for the ensuing year.

The third item of note was the luncheon taken in the ancient court room of the Hark to Bounty Inn and thereafter the Archers gathered to hear the minutes of the previous meeting read by Mr John Yates, who reported on his search for the original parchment bearing the rules of the Scorton Arrow Society. This document formerly lodged at the Municipal Museum at Hull, was in 1937 loaned for an Archery Exhibition at Burton Agnes. During the Second World War, Hull Museum was damaged by enemy action, and it is uncertain whether the document has been destroyed or not. The Captain Elect was charged to continue these enquiries.

The minutes were duly discussed, approved and signed. The Archers present subscribed the sum of ten shillings each to defray the expenses of the meeting, and after partaking of the bottle of wine provided, according to custom, by the Captain, shooting was resumed.

At the conclusion of the shooting the prizes were most charmingly presented to their winners by Mrs King-Wilkinson, for whom three cheers were given by the Archers, followed by a further three cheers for Lieutenant-Colonel King-Wilkinson, who acted as Judge at this meeting.

A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the retiring Captain and also to Mr George Collinson, of the Ilkley Archers, for acting as Chief Scorer.

Mr Yates then entertained the whole company to tea, and this concluded a particularly happy and successful meeting.

Here follow the names of the prize winners and the scores made by all the Archers.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowArthur G Banks
Lieutenant of the ArrowJohn Flinton
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteJohn Yates
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreJohn Flinton
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsMr T K Kelly
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldMr T K Kelly
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersMr C B Edwards
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreJohn Flinton
Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingMr C B Edwards
Sweepstake for Most GoldsMr C B Edwards
Competition JudgeLieut-Col C S King-Wilkinson


Mr Arthur Banks and Mr F Petty did not complete shooting owing to indisposition

Mr W E Cragg shot only the last few ends owing to late arrival


The Antient Silver Arrow