Tournament Results 1937

The 237th Recorded Meeting in the 265th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Lancaster, Lancashire
on the 11th day of September 1937

Col. D Selby-Bigge, Rev. B Lloyd-Wilson, John Yates, Tom Kelly (Capt.), Jack Flinton, Col. A Porritt, G B Adamson

Lancaster 11th September 1937

Be it remembered that twelve Gentlemen Archers assembled on the Ground of the John O’Gaunts Bowmen Springfield Park Lancaster to compete for the Antient Scorton Arrow and other trophies according to custom.

Be it remembered that this was the 265th recorded year and the 237th recorded meeting of the Society.

Be it remembered that the shooting commenced at 11 o’clock in the forenoon in beautiful sunshine and continued for two hours before and two hours after luncheon. Each Archer shot eleven dozen arrows.

Be it remembered that the Rev. B D Lloyd-Wilson did pierce the red with his first arrow at the second end and thus became Lieutenant and holder of the Silver Bugle.

Be it remembered that Mr Thomas K Kelly of Bradford and the Ripon Archers and Mr John Yates of the Pendle and Samlesbury Bowmen did both pierce the gold with their first arrow at the 15th end and after due measurements being taken it was judged that Mr T K Kelly’s arrow was nearer the centre by 1 inch and so he became the holder of the Antient Scorton Arrow and Captain for the ensuing year.

Be it remembered that luncheon was served in a marquee on the ground and that wine was provided by Lt. Colonel A T Porritt the outgoing Captain according to custom.

Be it remembered that the annual meeting of the society was held after luncheon when the minutes of the last meeting were read confirmed and signed and the following resolutions unanimously passed:-

1. That a cordial vote of thanks be extended to the retiring scorer Mr Parker and that a suitable present be purchased and presented to him out of the funds in hand and that the balance amounting to £5 be handed over to the new captain for safe custody.

2.That any competitor scoring two hits in the gold at one end should collect one shilling from each of the other archers competing.

3. That the usual advertisement in the Yorkshire Herald be discontinued and that particulars of the meeting be advertised instead in the Yorkshire Post.

According to custom the expenses of the meeting were shared by the Gentlemen Archers present.

Hearty votes of thanks were accorded to Mrs J W Phillips for presenting the prizes, to the John O’Gaunts Bowmen for the use of their ground and to Mr W G Knowles for acting as scorer.

So ended a very happy and pleasant meeting.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowThomas K Kelley
Lieutenant of the ArrowRev B D Lloyd-Wilson
The Horn Spoon for Worst WhiteMr W G Glass
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreLt Col. D L Selby-Bigge
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsThomas K Kelly
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldJohn Flinton
The Subscription Trophies
The Gold Medal for the Captain of NumbersMr J W Phillips
The Gold Medal for the Highest ScoreRev B D Lloyd-Wilson
Cup for the Best Gold of the MeetingLt Col. D L Selby-Bigge
Sweepstake for Most GoldsMr J W Phillips


The Antient Silver Arrow