Tournament Results 1932

The 232nd Recorded Meeting in the 260th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Ripon, North Yorkshire
on the 17th day of September 1932

Ripon 17th September 1932

This being the 260th recorded year and the 232nd recorded meeting held to shoot for The Antient Scorton Arrow since the First Institution in 1673.

Be it remembered that on this occasion, fourteen gentlemen archers assembled on the ground of the Ripon Cricket Club to compete for The Antient Scorton Arrow and having drawn lots pursuant to custom began shooting at 10.53am on Saturday September 17th and continued for two hours before lunch. Shooting was resumed at 2.15pm and continued till 4.15. Luncheon was served during the interval at the Spa Hotel, the out-going Captain providing the wine according to custom.

Be it known that Mr T R Satterthwaite pierced the target in the gold with his first arrow. This is believed to be a record.

Arising out of the meeting of 1931 a draft Deed appointing the Committee and setting forth their duties was submitted to the meeting by the Chairman Br General V De Falbe and approved. The Deed when suitably engrossed will be signed by the new Captain and kept with the Archives of the Society.

The Chairman referred to the death of Mr B H Satterthwaite and his brother Mr T R Satterthwaite was asked to convey the regrets and sympathy of the Archers present to his relatives. Dr P F Mannix was elected to fill the vacancy on the Committee caused by the death of Mr B H Satterthwaite.

It was proposed by Br General De Falbe that photographs were unsuitable for insertion among the written records. Mr Adamson seconded. Mr John Yates whilst agreeing with the motion was of opinion that photographic records were desirable in the proper place, and offered to present an album for their reception. This offer was cordially accepted by acclamation.

Be it remembered that Br Gen De Falbe and Mr T R Satterthwaite both pierced the gold at the first end, the Judge deciding in favour of Mr T R Satterthwaite who thus became Captain.

Be it also remembered that Mr Mann was the first to pierce the Red and so became Lieutenant.

Prizes 1932

The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowMr T R Satterthwaite
Silver Bugle and LieutenancyMr E E Mann
Gold Medal and Captain of NumbersMr G B Adamson
Gold Medal for Highest ScoreMr John Yates
Antient Horn SpoonDr P F Mannix
Silver Cup and Sweepstake for Best GoldMr P B Barneby
Sweepstake for Most GoldsMr John Yates
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreMr E E Mann
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsMr W Melville-Foster
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldMr E E Mann


Be it also remembered that hearty votes of thanks were accorded to the undernamed.

Miss O’Neil – For distributing Trophies

Mr A F Hardy – For acting as Judge

Mr Parker – For acting as Scorer

The Ripon Cricket Club – For the use of their field

Thus ended a pleasant days shoot.

The Antient Silver Arrow