Tournament Results 1920

The 224th Recorded Meeting in the 248th year of
The Society of Archers
held at Settle, North Yorkshire
on the 7th day of September 1920

Settle 7th September 1920

Be it well remembered that the archers assembled on the ground of the North Ribblesdale Archers this day at 10 in the forenoon & after the necessary business had been transacted began shooting at 10.34. With his 46th arrow Mr C K Philips hit the gold and thus became Captain for 1920. Colonel R Pole Stuart with his 17th arrow hit the red and thus became Lieutenant. Shooting was continued for the accustomed two hours. After dinner the shooting was continued for another two hours ending at 4.10. Six dozen arrows were shot in the morning & six dozen & a half during the afternoon.

Mrs Edgar and Mrs Fowle very kindly gave the archers tea upon the ground. After tea Mrs Edgar presented the prizes.

Votes of thanks were proposed by the Captain, seconded by the Lieutenant, & unanimously accorded to the North Ribblesdale Archers for allowing the use of their excellent ground and targets, to Mrs Edgar for presenting the prizes & to Mrs Edgar & Mrs Fowle who most kindly provided tea.


The Scorton Trophies
Captain of the ArrowC K Philips
Silver Bugle and LieutenancyR P Stuart
Gold Medal and Captain of NumbersC K Philips
Gold Medal for Highest ScoreR P Stuart
Antient Horn SpoonR P Stuart
Silver Cup and Sweepstake for Best GoldR E Stuart
Sweepstake for Most GoldsC K Philips
The Thirsk Insignia for Yorkshiremen
The Silver Arrow & Gold Quiver, for Highest ScoreR E Stuart
The Thirsk Bugle for most HitsR E Stuart
The Thirsk Silver Medal for Best GoldR E Stuart


The Antient Silver Arrow