It is the World’s longest established and oldest recorded sporting event, The Antient Scorton Silver Arrow, held annually each year since 1673, except in certain ‘war’ years when the competition is postponed in respect of any member who may be overseas in military service. Such as the Napoleonic wars, Crimean war, etc, as well as more modern wars where even one members absence would be deemed an unfair competition.
The Tournament is named after the village of Scorton in North Yorkshire, where the first Archery Tournament was held in 1673 and a Silver Arrow was awarded to the winner, who becomes ‘Captain of the Arrow’ for that year.
Today the ‘priceless’ original Silver Arrow is deposited with the Royal Armouries in Leeds and the winner is presented with areplica Silver Arrow to keep for one year instead.
The Tournament is organised by The Society of Archers whose original authentic records dating right back to the first competition in 1673 and recorded on goatskin parchment, can be found on their website, along with all their other complete records of competitors and winners since 1673 at
The competition is open to all Gentlemen Archers aged 21 (not modern compound bows) and there has been many occasions when Archers have travelled from all over the World to take part in this prestigious event, including Australia and the Americas.
Targets are set at 100 yards and the winner is the first Archer to pierce a small 3 inch diameter ‘Black Spot’ in the centre of the 4 foot target with his Arrow. The Black Spot is said “to be set at about the height of a Frenchman’s heart”, and appears about the size of a pin head at 100 yards.
Uniquely, competitors are required to record their own score, which is almost unheard of today in any other competitive sporting event. The Society has stuck to its principles of tradition, that whilst other governing sporting bodies may presume that their members may cheat and have needed to implement independent scoring, the Society of Archers are sporting gentlemen and as such can be trusted on honour to mark their own scores. ‘Gentlemen do not cheat’.
It is the participation in this historic event and special unique atmosphere of the Scorton that lies behind its success and a longevity that spans over three centuries, where competitors enjoy both a camaraderie and friendly rivalry on the field, followed by an excellent luncheon, fine table and good company, to resume back on the field until afternoon tea and the presentation of Trophies.
The above may be freely used as a Press Release.