A date in English History known to most Archers, 25th October 1415.
– Saint Crispin’s Day –
When a relatively small and vastly out numbered English Army of less than
4000 men, demonstrated the lethal and devastating power of the English Longbow
against the might of the French Army, numbering, according to some
accounts, 50,000 men under the command of Constable d’Albret.
Before the battle, Sir Walter Hungerford, gloomily confided that he wished he had
10,000 of the best Archers in England with him. King Henry replied angrily,
‘You are wrong.I do not need a single extra man, for my hope is in God,
and if my cause is just I shall prevail whatever the size of my following’.
This was the origin of Shakespeare’s ‘a little touch of Harry in the night’.
High on a beam above Henry V’s chantry at Westmister Abbey
are the Kings hatchments, shield & helmet.
In the Westminster Abbey Museum is his sword.

THE DUKE OF GLOUCESTER, WITH HIS RETYNEW. Lances Monsr Henry Husee. Monsr Robert Roos. WllliamTrussell. William Harington. Richard Baumont. Geoffrey Lowther. Thomas Burgh. Conrad Aske. John Smythes. William Hyde. William Cressene. Nicholas Thorley. Robertrt Dacre. Richarrd Skelton. James P’drich. Rauf Branspath. James Fenes. James Crofte. John Oke. John Reynes. Walter Strykland. John Aston. Peter Mordon. John Clynton. Robert Salkeld. William Rokhill. Thomas Malgrane or Malgrave. John Ward. George Lampet. John Enyas. Richard Colfox. WaIter Shyryngton. Guy Wytyngton. William Coule. Thomas Gloue. Richard Estnay. Adam Adrya. Thomas Hokley. Nichrolas Gryffen. John Coveley. John Bredfeld. Thomas Coveley. Nichasin Scot. Nicholas Gayte. Roger Clyderow. Laurence Bucke. Richard Bytterley. Thomas Wynge. Richard Wyttun. William Lovell. Richard Hakett. Thomas Weylls. Nicholas Fitz-Hugh. John Pympe. William Bryght. William Stalworthe. John Werkerton. John Counseill. Charles Midelton. Henry Veell. WIlliam Barry. Richard Moynen. Richard Asshewell. William Clopton. Roger Smythewyke. Thomas Weston. Thomas Wayte. Thomas Wytteney. William Standon. John Banester. Gyles Burton. Edward Stradlyng. William Curteys. Richard Kykley. Richard Colerne. Robert Crophull. John de la Lande. Robert Sydman. Andrew de Rolf. Owaine Hornby. John Holme. Edward Hawkan. John Bekwyth. Robert Hillary. Nicholas Coule. John Wissington. Thomas Roos. Mayew Matlow. Richard Whithed. John Kykham. William Bolleron. Thomes Thwayte. Henry Kelkenny. Thomas Sewell. William Paternoster. Roger Ekyth. Richard Layland. Thomas Capper. Richard Louther. William Haute. Hugh Louther. William Terrll. John Stamford. John Felde. John Yonge. John Kinge. John Aleyn. George Counsell. John Cole. William Holdelyne. William Cressewell. Thomas Sewalle. Thomas Claypole. William Hyde. Hugh Smyth. John Rygelyn. William Darset. Robert Philip. John Rede. John Cannidische. Gryffen Fordet. Gerard Johnson. John Salmon. Bernard Singleton. Edmond Dacre. John di Erlesch. Gawayn Salcok. Thomas Boston. Robert Benote. Yon Hamond. John Savgrond. John de Ware. Thomas Hakerle. Thomas Halnton. John Huet. John Sutton. Robert Milbom. Thomas Nele. William Ogan. Richard Wyche. The nomber of Lances withe the Duke of Gloster CXLIJ (142) The nomber of the Archers that be here named CIIIJ VJN (104) (6) THESE BE THE NAMES OF THE RETINU OF THE EARL OF MARCHE, WHICH WAS AT THE BATTILL OF EGYNCOURT Lances Leonard Hastinges. William Cotesmore. Richard Maydeston. Thomas Cusak. Morys Pountayne. Lewys Cornewayle. John Clifford. Richard Fulshull. Degare Garnell. William Halsast. Thomas Lovell. Richard Baron. Robert Moresby. William Cornewayle. John Daumselle. John Someners. Richard Kemton. Stemham Cornysshe. John Mydelton. Lances XIX (19) Archers CIJ (102) Eyre; Jones; Blount; Stanley; Fitzherbert THE ERLE OF HUNTINGTON WITH HIS RETENU THAT WAS AT THE BATTLE OF EGYNCOURT . Laurence Dutton. Thomas Deell. William Junnyng. John Loym. John Quyteley. William Gyrdeley. Hugh Corton. Yon Elys. Thomas Talbot. William Kylleryen. John Rotyng. John Cosyn. John Hard. Nicholas Lovell. William Wymundeswold. Lances XVI (16) Archers XXXV (35) THESE BE THE NAMES OF THE RETENU OF THE ERLE MARSHALL THAT WAS AT THE BATTELL OF EGYNCOURT WITH THE KINGE. Chivaliers Monsr Thomas Rokesby. Monsr Thomas Lyndeley. Monsr John Hoton. Monsr John Geryne. Monsr John Hevenyngham. Lances Edmond Rodsam. Robert Holme. Nicholl Lodewyke. Robert Bassett. Robert Barde. Piers Capell. Nicholas Dawne. RogerJonderell. Roger Radclyfe. Miles de Beston. Robert Leventhorp. Thomar Wynter. Robert Counstable. John Haytefelde. John Swynbourne. Richard Dulle. Edward Wyner. George Wyn. Arthur Wyn. Thomas Newson. Thomas Rokeby. John Perers. John Lyndeley. Nicholas Lyndeley. William Hagthrop. John Wardale. John Holgrane or Holgrave. John Wyton. Lances XXXIIJ (33) Archers LXXX (80) THE RETINUE OF THE ERLE OF SUFFOLK. THE FATHER. Monsr William Spayne. Monsr Thomas Charles. Olyvver Groos. William Argingten. Nicholas Wiseman. John Genney. William Wynfield. John Kendall. John Broke. John Catecombe. Richard Brycere. William Edward. John Wylby. Roger Boton. Thomas Spieer. John Castell. Lances XVJ (16) Archers LXXI (71) THE RETENU OF THE ERLE OF CAMBRIGGE. Lances Robert Rokley. William Ward. Thomas Ward. Lances IIJ (3) Archers VJ (6) THE ERLE OF OXFORD, WITH HIS RETENU, THAT WAS AT THE BATTELL OF EGYNCOURT. Lances Thomas Beston. John Taverner. John Herny. Edmond Folstolf. Geffrey Denys. Robert Wellyng. William Preston. John Edmund. Richard Arderne. Thomas Balinburgh. Richard Worcester. John Wolf. Ranlyn Wardale. John Somerton. William Petybon. William Steryn. John Remys. Robert Work. John Bendyshe. Thomas Tyringham. Edmund Preston. George Laughton William Sencler. John Balinburgh. Roger Eston. Thomas Stonyngez. Edmund Taylour. John Blacleys. Lancer XXIX (29) Archers LXXIX (79) THE ERLE OF SUFF’ THE SON, THAT WAS AT THE BATTLE OF EGYNCOURT. Monsr John Calfe Chl’r. Lances William Calf. William Bromley. John Colston. Pires Wat’forde. John Stafford. John Edward. William Porter. Walter Calf. John Doke. John Montagu. John de Chambr William Cathom. Lances XIIIJ (14) Archhers XIVJ (sic) THE RETENU OF SR DE HARINGTON. Monsr Thomas Fitzpayn. Monsr Aleyn fyt de Penyngton. John Botreux. John Palton. Rauf Arundell. Robert Gorun or Cornu. John Chichester. Nicholas Rudney. John Lucombe. Henry Leddred. Thomas Cole. John Folbroke Riehard Hudelston. Richard Skelton. John Salkell. John Payntour. John Penyngton. William Preston. William Laurence. Gilbert Nowell. Thomas Nevyle. Nicholas Lamplough. Thomas Broghton. Richard Harington. Lances XXVJ (26) Archers LXXXIIJ (83) THE RETENU OF SR GERARD UFFLETT. Lances Thomas Sampson. Roger Dokwre. John Seoles. Thomas Dawner. Thomas Bolton. Thomas Magson. Richard Lytell. Mayhew Homeby. Robert Browne. Lances IX (9) Archers XXXIIJ (33) THE LORD MATREVERS, WITH HIS RETENU AT THE BATTELL OF EGYNCOURT: Lances Monsr. Wauter Barkeley. Henry Tylmayn. Thomas Poynt. John Frompton. John Bavent. William Moore. Robert Pokeswelle. Robert Banent or Bavent JohnWinford. Lances X (10) Archers XXXIIIJ (34) THE LORD CAMOYS, WITH HIS RETENU. Thomas Hoo. John Bolde. Thomas Leget. John Ayleward. William Canvyle. John More. John Belstede. Robert Kynston. John Symsby. Thomas Glyspyn. Symond Codington. William Merlot. Lewys Mewys. Davy Boydon. John Bredon. John Colmere. John Palmer. John Trussell. John Oderne. Thomas Tryskebett. JohncGude. Nicholl Ramsell Thomas Fitzhenry mort al bataile (killed)Lancers XXIIIJ (24) Archers LXIX (69) THE LORD ROOS, WITH HIS RETENU. Lances Robert Harington. Godefryd Leeke. Henry Normanvyle. Thomas Bolton. Nicholas Clyf. William Colston. John Plumton. Thomas Rotherham. Lances IX (9) Archers XIJ (12) THE RETENU OF THE LORD FERRIS, WHICH WAS AT THE BATTELL OF EGYNCOURT William Handsacre. John Broneshelf William Draycote. John Walker. Waut Yon.Lances V (5) Archers IX (9) THE RETENU OF THE LORD SCROPE. Robert Hopton. Esmond Assheton. Robert Rokeby. Robert Merkynefeild William Entwessell. William de Smeton.Lances VJ (6) Archers XIIIJ (14) THE RETENU OF THE SR ROULAND LENTHALL. Monsr. Rouland Lenthall. Bartholomew Sayer. Henry Gerard. Bradston. John Melyo or Meylo John Bitterlee. Edmond Tyldesle. Richard Fythian or Fythiam Rys ap Rother.Lances VIIJ (8) Archers XXXIIJ (33) THE RETENU OF THE LORD TALBOT. Lances Edward Spreneheux. Nicholas Gryffyth. William Arthur. Henry Samon. Nicholas Landelle. Filbert Mulborne. Robert Balle. John Mandevyle. Robert Sutton. William Fleecher. John Dodde. Thomas Wanghall. Roger Frodesham. Thomas Spaldinge. John Stanle. John Portingaler. John Glene. Robert Erdeswyke. Richard Maule. John Elys.Lances XX (20) Archers LV (55) THE LORD FITZHUGH, CHAMBERLYN TO THE KINGE, WITH HIS RETENU. Ch’lrs Monsr. William Fitzhugh Monsr. Geffrey Fitzhugh Monsr. William de Evers. Monsr. Thomas de Routhe.Lances William de Rednesse. William de Bony. John de Thorp. John de Bland. William de Grandorge. Roger Boleston. Richard Haldenby. John Scrastowe. Richard Hamby. Cok Trump. John Barbour. Robert Trumper. Thomas Aberswyke. Roger Roleston. Richard Baleston. John KertyngtonLances XXJ (21) Archers LXXXXIJ (92) SIR THOMAS ERPYNGHAM, STUARD OF THE KINGES HOUSE WITH HIS RETENU.Monsr. Hamond Snaunge. Monsr. Waut Goldyngham. John Sterlyng Denston Stratton. John Brayston. John Leneny or Leveny. John Gegge. Leouard Straunge. John Assheman William Hart Piers Thorley. Brysingham Nicholas Gunvyle. John Aungers, mort a Caloys (killed at Calais) Lances XVJ (16) Archers XLVIJ (47) SIR JOHN GREY, WITH HIS RETENU. Thomas Salveyn. Robert Lyske. Edmond Heron. John Horton. Thomas Judde Edward Heron John de Eryngton. Richard Habraham. Richard Acherton. Henry Writtington. Triston Leylond. Adam Egworth. William Kelde. Robert Sampson. John at Wode. John Hareford. Richard Peryson. Thomas Fitzhenry. George Gray. William Eworthe. John de Cramlyngton. Rouland de Rede. Thomas Ragge. Robert Corhet. John Yorke. John Reskell. John Wilson. Rouland Armestraunge. William de Charleton. John de Weller. Davy Gray. Thomas Gray de Banburgh. John de Chester. Lyell de Chester.Lances XXXV (35) Archers LXXXXVJ (96) SIR ROBERT BABTHORP, CONTROLLER OF THE KINGES HOWSE, WITH HIS RETENU. Thomas Babthorp. John Wardale. Thomas Wisse. William Mason. Thomas Hardewyn.Lances VJ (6) Archers XVIIJ (18) THE RETENU OF WILLIAM KYNWAL- MARCHE,THE KINGESCOFERER. Robert Myrfyn. Ricllard Andelaby Lances IJ (2) JOHN CHENY, ESQUIER FOR THE BODY, WITH HIS RETENU. John Cheyne, junior. Thomas Ponns. John Evingham. Lancers IIIJ (4) JOHN STMYARD, ESQUIER FOR THE BODY, WITH HIS RETENU. Edmund Hardys. William Manston. Thomas Baker. Lancers IIIJ (4) NICHOLASPERCHE, ESQUIER FOR THE BODY, WITH HIS RETENU. LOWIS ROBESART, ESQUIER, WITH HIS RETENU. THE RETENU OF THE SERJENT OF THE COUNTYNGHOUSE. JOHN FEREBY, CLARKE OF THE GREENECLOTH sike at the castell of Meremont. WALTER BURTON, CLARKE OF TIIE GREENECLOTH THOMAS MORTON CLARKE OF TIIE GREENECLOTH WILLIAM BALNE CLARKE OFTHE KINGES KYTCHIN. ROBERT ALDERTON, UNDERCLARKE OF THE KYTCHIN. John Butler. Ebull Straunge. Rauf Pope. John Elmain. Henry Bromley. James Hoget. William Courteney. Thomas Bolde. THOMAS STRYLAND, BORE THE BANER OF ST. GEORGE. Edmund Benstede. JOHN RYDER, ESQUIER, S’GENT OF THE KINGES PALLIE, WITH HIS RETINU. JOHN BURGH, WITH HIS RETINU. Thomas Water. John Bryggez. Rys Robyn. Robyn Dyeby. Stephain Ferro. John Clement. Robert Hunto. Robert Helyon. Thomas Eaten. Robert Lacok. Richard Parker. William Whitteman. John Holton John Phelipe. Thomas Scarlet. Robert Quixley. Thomas Lychebarow. William Bank or Bauk. Nicholas Holand. Thomas Apulton. Gerard Huyn. William Casteleyn. Andrew Gray. John Asto. Henry Londe. Nicholas Reresby. William Burgoyne. John Selby. Richard Etton. B’rtram de France. William Holt. John Hardgrove. Laurence Everard. Thomas Corbet. Thomas Stanton. William Fitzhenry. William Bradwardyn. Nicholas Lary. Gyles Thordon . Thomas Mapurley.Lances LXIJ (62) Archers CLXXXV (185) THE GROMES OF THE CHAMBER, THAT WAS AT THE BATELL OF EGEYNCOURT. Davy Cawardyn. Owen Cawardyn. William Mynour. Wlliam Malbon. Robert Soubache. William Custance. John Bromley. John Rys. William Somercotes. William Sadeler. Johll Burnam. THE SERVANTES OF TIIE KINGES HOUSHOLD, SIR WILLIAM TALBOT, KNIGHT, WITH HIS RETINU. Thomas Talbot. William Sampson. Thomas Drynok.Lances IIIJ (4) Archers VJ (6) SIR WALTER HUNGERFORD, WITH HIS RETENUElis Delamare. William Chesterton. Nicholas Poyntz. Henry Croke. Wauter Charleton. John Rous. Richard Lye. John Floureyne. William Arthur. Nicholas Hampton. John Tyrell. John Trystram. John Halle. Thomas Roley. John Hall. Thomas Dernard.Lances XVIJ (17) Archers IV (55) THE RETENU OF SIR THOMAS WEST. John Trebell, Chlr. Roger Clyfton. Henry Wareyn. John Radwell. John Medmengham. John Englychs William Morys. William Cordray. Robert Marnyhille. John Abryford. John Lucas. William Marmylle. John Byngham. John Wassyngton.Lancers XIIIJ (14) Archers XL (40) SIR HENRY HUSE, WITH HIS RETENU. Richard Bytterley. Richard Wytton. William Bryght Richard Haket. Nicholas Filzhugh. John Werkyngton. Charles Medulton. William Barry. Richard Asshehull. Roger Smeteeweke. Thomas Wayte. William Standen. William Curteys. Gyles Burton. Richard Colerne. John de Lelond. Andrew Del Rolf. John Holme. Christopher Bosvyle. Nicholas Coule. John Bekwith. William Coule.Lancers XXIIJ (23) Archers XXV (25) THE RETENU OF SIR RICHARD HASTINGES. Radus Alan. William de Pytton. John Leventhorp. Lancers IIJ (3) Archers VIIJ (8) Archers Monsr William Buttler. Gryffen de Hesketh. John de Syngleton. Thomas de Asheton. Robert de Heton. Monsr Richard Kyghley. John de Peniton, mort a bataill (killed). Gybon de Southeworke. William de Walton. Monsr Thomas Beawmond. Robert Breton. Bertram Moucher. James Clyfton.MONSR THOMAS PERCY AND HIS RETENUWilliam Fowler. William Fayrchild. Monsr John Osbaldesten, Chlr. John de MalFas. Richard de Malpas. Monsr Henry de Skaresbreke, Chlr. Edward Banester. Henry Gray. John Gylle. Monsr Edmund de la Pole, Chlr. Richard Doo. Alan Dalby. Monsr William Stanely, Chlr. Henry Hoton. John Barbour.MONSR PIERS DE LEGH AND HIS RETENU. Robert Orell. Hugh de Orell. Thomas Sutton. John Pygott. George de Asheley. Monsr Rauf de Bostock. Christopher de Hogh. Monsr John Everingham. Thomas Everingham. John Repace. Thomas Baker. THE RETENU OF SIR RAULFE SHYRLEY. Rauf Fowne. John Waryn. John Gloucestre. Monr John Savage, Chlr. Randolf de Legh. Thomas de More. John le Warde. John le Heche or Leche Monsr Thomas Rampston, Chlr. Henry Wychard. John Barre. John Bassowell. William Sheffeld. Thomas Glover. Archers CXIIIJ (114) Monsr Richard Radclyf. Peter de Singleton. Olyver de Ancotes. Monsr William Hudelston, Chlr. Richard Skypton. William Grene. Monsr Wiliiam Cromwell. Thomas Halyday. Monsr William de Ligh, Chlr. William Agglyouby. William Marnam. Richard Townley. William de Holeyns, Lance de Monsr Thomas Gresele. Thomas Ferrour de Blythe. John Massy de Preston. Robert Sherard. Henry Bromley. Gregory Ballard. George Haseley. John Clynke. John Massy Roger de Molington. William de Kighley Thomas Rugmayn Rauf de Hayton. Stremu Shalp. John de Morley Thomas Warde William de Kyghley. Archers LXXXXIJ (92) THE RETENU OF SIR Wm BOTELER, WHICIH DIED AT HARFLEWE. Gfiiron de Hesketh. lohn de Singleton Tliomas de Asheton. Robert de Hoton THE RETENU OF SIR NICHOLAS LONGFORD, WHICH GOD ASSOILE. Robert Redyche. Henry Walker. Rauf Byrches. HERTANKE, WITH HIS RETENU. Frederyk Scoffe James de Shaterton. Richard Wellys William Massy John de Leche. Christopher de Preston Nicholas de Reresby Robert Radclif Raulf de Pole Robert Qwyley Richard Hamys. John de Massy. John Standisshe. John Done. Lances C (100) William Massy Thomas de Wombwell. Nicholas Haywode. Edmund de Normanville Adam de Whitingham. William de Wombwelle. George Benet Cordewener de Roy Lances VII (7) Archers VII (7) WILLIAM NOT, CAPYTANE DEZ MASONS Masons XXIIJ (23) Archers of the Erle of Lancaster, which was assigned for the Kinges Retenu, our Sovereign Lord CCIX (209) Archers of the erle Chester, that was of the Retenu oi our Soveraigne Lord the King CIIIJ (104) THE RETENU OF THOMAS CHACER. Simon Haule. Thomas Bulthorp Robert Hanle or Hauley William Herny Thomas Hardy John Byngley John Dirikson Thomas Cowle John Gronevyle. Lances IX (9) Archerss XXXVIJ (37) THE RETENU OF NICHOLAS MERBY OR MERBERY Waryn Waldegrave William Huldleston. William Ducworth. John de Asheton John Longshaw, malade a Hartfler SERVANTS IN FEE WITH THE KINGE, THAT WAS UNDER THE GOVERMENT OF THE KINGE. SIR JOHN ASHETON, KNIGHT, WITH HIS RETENU John Asheton. Maister Thomas de Conynghoplane. Roger de Mylvehows Sergeantz du Roy VIIJ (8) THE RETENU OF WILLIAM MERYNG.THE RETENU OF SIR JOHN PILKINGTON. John Kay Roger Kay William KayLances X (10) Archers XIV (15) SIR WILLIAM PHELIPE, WITH HIS RETENU Thomas Hulwyscont Robert Hemnale William Gode. Jacob Denys John Bamard. William Kemston Thomas Poley Lances VIIJ (8) Archers XXIX (29) SIR WILLIAM BOURCHIER, WITH HIS RETENU. Monsr Roger Aston Monsr Richard Walgrave Monsr John Suert Thomas Arblastier John Newland. Walter Verney John Hampton. Guy Duke. Richard Halys. Edward Mackwilliam. William Franceys. Richard Kempe. Rauf Boteler William Gulby. William Mareys Walter Haket Thomas Spencer Johll Gryffeth. William Tendrynge. John Gaywode. John Saxton. John a Thomas Nicholas Gomond Lances XXV (25) Archers IIIJ (4) Aexander Shreffe. Overseer of Harfleu. William Bramshulf, taken at Fescame. Geffrey Blake. Killed befor Mustererilers. Lewis Cadowen. Killed befor the Battel. Monsr John Cornewayle. Monsr John Harpeden. Henry Yevlton. Jolhn Cornwayle. Richard Drayton Thomas Wenlock. William Lowdsop John Hynton. Roger White John Gryffyth. Gerard Askyn Thomas Cramford John Garrew Robert Wyfeld John Plome. Walter Colepeper Edward Colepeper John Codington. Henry Sparke John Sampson Thomas Eustace. . John Burton Thomas Southerne Edward Tyberay Laurence Chipendene Robert Blosme William Chippenham Hugh Tangley Henry Miles. John a Wood John Kynner Thomas Brugge Misted. John Kelly Thomas Giffordl, came into England from Harfleu Nicholas Bromford with vi (6) Archers went into England from Harfleu, sicke Roger Wisse Ellingham Peres Hugh Tangley. Thomas Crusak Lances XXXIX (39) Archers CXIX (119) SIR WILLIAM HARINGTON, WITH HIS RETENU William Harington. John Pykeringe. John Staynton Robert Gawnfield Maykb Crofte John Bradshaw Thomas Fitzhenry John Mawsore Rauf Westby Robert Thornour Jacob Bery Lances XIII (13) Archers c=XXVIIJ (28) THE RETENU OF JOHN DE WATERTON. John Wastnys, malade a Harfler Benard Seyvill Robert Longesby John Bowchier John Tournay James Wychington William Sutell |